1. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    "So we can't be warned enough," is his humorous conclusion. He then adds: "As if there were no other problems than old Otto jokes." IMHO At WDR, a journalist (Jürgen Döschner) is kept away from work and thus the Freedom of the press has been reduced to absurdity. Climate stickers use counterproductive actions to deter citizens and increase their approval...

  2. Newsletter XLIII 2022 - October 28th to 31st - News+ Climate protection: It's not enough

    The company Paxos Consulting & Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, together with the TH Cologne, has developed an optimized solar roof tile for electricity and heat... * Media | WDR journalist | Jürgen Döschner | Press Freedom Complaint about “de facto work ban” WDR journalist apparently works five hours a month – for 100.000 euros a year WDR journalist Jürgen Döschner was awarded, he is...

  3. Newsletter XLII 2022 - October 23rd to 27th - News+ The fairy tale with primary energy consumption

    Opponents of nuclear power in Emsland had expected the deliveries at the beginning of September, protested against them and demanded an immediate stop to uranium imports from Russia... * WDR Editor | Jürgen Döschner | Reports are too critical Accusation at WDR: Sidelined because of critical reports A WDR journalist is suing his station for not being employed. His accusation: Because of critical reports on...

  4. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    ** The search in reaktorpleite.de with the search term worst case scenario brought the following results, among others: April 25, 2017 - Accident in a nuclear power plant near the border Nobody is liable for the worst case scenario Jürgen Döschner / tagesschau.de * When people talk about nuclear accidents, so It's mostly about Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986. We somehow don't really remember the accident in Harrisburg in 1979 anymore...

  5. Newsletter XVIII - April 20th to 24.04.2021th, 20 - News+ April XNUMXth - Expert predicts further nuclear catastrophe like in Fukushima

    ** The search in reaktorpleite.de with the search term worst case scenario brought the following results, among others: April 25, 2017 - Accident in a nuclear power plant near the border Nobody is liable for the worst case scenario Jürgen Döschner / tagesschau.de * When people talk about nuclear accidents, so It's mostly about Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986. We somehow don't really remember the accident in Harrisburg in 1979 anymore...

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