1. Newsletter XVIII 2024 - April 28th to May 4th - News+ Hubris of the West: Three decades of chaos and decline

    Allerdings dürfte es den entsprechenden Unternehmen nicht an Personal mangeln. Sie zahlen überdurchschnittlich gut. Allgemein ist das Renommee der Rüstungsindustrie seit Beginn der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine so gut wie nie seit 1945. Auch weil Politiker ihre Treffen mit den Vorständen der Konzerne nicht mehr unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit abhalten, sondern als Medienevents...

  2. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    vollzogene Kehrtwende hin zur vollen Unterstützung der Atomenergie. Im Folgenden ein Auszug aus ihrer Rede: „Ich stelle zudem fest, dass viele Länder nach der globalen Energiekrise, die durch die Invasion Russlands in die Ukraine verursacht wurde, einen neuen Blick auf die mögliche Rolle werfen, die die Atomenergie spielen könnte. Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe. Erstens um unsere Klimaziele zu...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    werden und eine Energiewende diese negativen Effekte bannen kann (aber in der Ukraine ein anderer Weg eingeschlagen wird), ein kurzer Überblick über die Energiekrise in der Ukraine seit der Invasion Russlands im Februar 2022. Der Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine erschütterte den ukrainischen Energiesektor in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß, da Moskau die Energieinfrastruktur mit Raketen,...

  4. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    dem Uno-Sicherheitsrat einen Resolutionsentwurf für eine "sofortige Feuerpause" vorgelegt habe. Zudem forderten die USA Netanjahu auf, die Waffen ruhen zu lassen und Abstand zu nehmen von einer Invasion in die Stadt Rafah im Süden des Gazastreifens. Blinken hoffe, dass von dem Resolutionsentwurf ein "starkes Signal" ausgehe. Natürlich ist eine "Feuerpause" kein "Waffenstillstand" – und man muss...

  5. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    dass sie günstiger ist als die klimaschädlichen Alternativen... * Ägypten | Gaza | Sicherheit Warum Ägypten die Schleusentore nach Gaza nicht öffnen kann und will Mögliche israelische Rafah-Invasion belastet das Verhältnis zu Kairo und den USA. Ägypten befindet sich in einer Zwickmühle. Warum das so ist. Gastbeitrag. Israels Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu hat eine Invasion nach Rafah...

  6. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    Israel | Waffenlieferungen | Heuchelei | Exodus Waffen für Israel-Offensive: Wer liefert was, welche Staaten sind ausgestiegen? Trotz IGH-Anordnung zu "plausiblem" Genozid droht israelische Rafah-Invasion. Ägypten bereitet sich auf Vertreibung vor. Wer liefert die Waffen, wer nicht mehr? Viele Regierungen weltweit haben den Druck auf Israel verstärkt, die Pläne für eine Bodenoffensive in Rafah...

  7. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    who control them in one way or another have misrepresented several key aspects of the deep-rooted conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the resulting Russian invasion. Russia's responsibility is not in the least diminished by the West's mistakes. But an honest discussion about the latter is certainly overdue... *...

  8. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    not force living Ukrainians to do military service. The Union has come up with a drastic proposal on the subject. Ukraine's problems in mobilizing soldiers to repel the Russian invasion will have no practical consequences for Ukrainians living in Germany, according to Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann. The fact that we are now forcing people into conscription or...

  9. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    of Hamas against Israel were informed about the terrorist organization's corresponding attack plans. This is reported by the New York Times, citing a 40-page document in which an invasion of Israeli territory is described in great detail. The document is codenamed “Jericho Wall” and is said to have resembled the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists on January 7th down to the last detail.

  10. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    Responsible for security technology deliveries. Construction work began in August this year and is being carried out by the Russian state-owned company Rosatom. Despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the company has not yet been sanctioned by the EU: France and Hungary are still too dependent on cooperation with Rosatom and could veto it. The requirements...

  11. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    shifted their public messaging and lobbying from "energy transition" to "energy security" and cynically used the opportunity to force governments to make massive, unnecessary investments in the expansion of fossil gas imports and infrastructure following the energy supply problems caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine to tempt. The floating...

  12. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    emerges from a report published today by Greenpeace France and Greenpeace Germany. The companies are ignoring Rosatom's active involvement in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Greenpeace demands that Rosatom be immediately added to the EU list of sanctioned Russian companies... * United States | Don Trumpl | Michigan celebrities...

  13. Newsletter XXVIII 2023 - July 9-15 - News+ Bulgaria wants to sell Russian reactors to Ukraine

    of wafer production. According to Meyer Burger, the two companies already have a solar wafer supply relationship... * United States | China | Taiwan fears invasion by China US military wants to arm Taiwan more quickly In view of a possible invasion by China, the US military is calling for Taiwan's defense capability to be quickly strengthened. The island needs...

  14. Newsletter XIX 2023 - May 7-13 - News+ Is the West turning Ukraine into a nuclear battlefield?

    of people have died, entire villages and even cities have been reduced to rubble, millions of Ukrainians have flocked to Poland and other countries as Russia's brutal invasion rages on with no end in sight. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hopes Western allies will continue to supply money, tanks, missiles and everything else...

  15. Newsletter XII 2023 - March 19th to 25th - News+ The poison of doubt is the sugar for the bastard

    “has already melted.” In any case, the radioactive material is in a “closed” area and there is no evidence of contamination in the surrounding area... * Iraq | Invasion | George W Bush | Coalition of the Willing 20 Years of Iraq War How the "Coalition of the Willing" failed in Iraq 20 years ago On March 20, 2003, the "Coalition of the Willing" began...

  16. Newsletter XI 2023 - March 12th to 18th - News+ 12 years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima – What have we learned from it?

    to “end this war of aggression.” However, Putin himself has a longer memory. In the speech that launched his "special operation," he denounced the United States for "invading Iraq without any legal basis." He then added: We have witnessed lies expressed at the highest levels of government and from the high tribune of the UN. This resulted in an enormous...

  17. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    from Central America) receive very different treatment. Indeed, it is difficult to ignore the racism that lies behind the thinking of many who claim that one should not compare the US invasion of Iraq with Russia's invasion of Ukraine because the two events are on a different level . This position, for example, is represented by the neoliberal...

  18. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    ** Wikipedia Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, is an invasion ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin that initially targeted the entire territory of Ukraine and the Russian invasion that has been simmering since 2014. escalated the Ukrainian war. As early as April 2021, concentrations of Russian troops...

  19. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    the humanity. The interview is conducted by political scientist CJ Polychroniou. It is published in cooperation with the US news site Truthout. Twenty years ago, the US Congress authorized the invasion of Iraq despite massive opposition to such an undertaking. Several leading Democratic senators, including Joe Biden, supported the war authorization. Historically as well as...

  20. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    at the Japanese Fukushima power plant in March 2011 and even more so after Russia took control of the Chernobyl and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants in the initial phase of the invasion of Ukraine six months ago... * October 05, 1966 (INES 4) Nuclear power plant Enrico-Fermi-1, USA Fermi-1, the prototype fast breeder reactor, suffered a partial...

Results 1 - 20 from 31