1. Newsletter XXXVIII - 26/30.08.2021/26 to 4/XNUMX/XNUMX - News+ August XNUMX - Court declares the development plan of the Datteln XNUMX coal-fired power plant invalid

    zur Erzeugung von elektrischer Energie in Kohlekraftwerken, zum Heizen, in der Chemieindustrie, Stahlindustrie und anderen Industriezweigen verwendet. Zur Kohleindustrie gehört auch die nötige Infrastruktur zur Förderung im Tagebau oder in Bergwerken und der Transport (z. B. Kohlehäfen, Kohlenbahnen, Förderbänder usw.). Mit dem Kohleausstieg geht nicht nur ein Ende der Kohleverstromung einher,...

  2. Newsletter XXV - June 01st to 07.06.2021th, 01 - News+ June XNUMXst - Trinational resolution against fuel elements: Joint venture in Lingen

    The military is supported by the civilian nuclear industry through hidden subsidies. This includes personnel support, research projects and a mutually usable nuclear infrastructure. Both France and Russia have nuclear weapons. In times of growing international uncertainty, we do not accept that the use of nuclear energy could create new nuclear weapons...

  3. Newsletter III - January 15th to 21.01.2021st, 15 - News+ January XNUMXth - New money for new nuclear reactors

    When nuclear energy seemed to be on the verge of a renaissance in 2008, the German Temme AG planned to build a three by three meter nuclear power plant called "catchy". It should do without a large infrastructure, only use the heat of a decaying radioactive isotope, be buried underground and therefore be particularly safe... ** Wikipedia Nuclear reactors - Reactor types -...

  4. Newsletter II - January 08th to 14.01.2021th, 08 - News+ January XNUMXth - European Organization for Cooperation in Waste Management established

    * 10. Januar 2021 - Ex-Verteidigungsminister: Biden soll Atomwaffen-Befugnis einschränken * Spionage 10. Januar 2021 - Wien als "kleiner Nordkorea-Hotspot" * 09. Januar 2021 - Kritische Infrastruktur: Massive Probleme im europäischen Stromnetz * 09. Januar 2021 - Deutschland sucht den Superschacht * Geld für Endlager 09. Januar 2021 - Eine „Atom-Prämie“ für Gemeinden erregt Unmut * 09. Januar...

  5. THTR Newsletter No. 151 December 2018

    the so-called TRISO fuel, which is required for the HTR bullets. “The service includes, among other things, criticality analyses, design of production resources and infrastructure as well as conception of fuel transport packaging” (2). Also involved is Deutsche SGL Carbon, which was already involved in the production of the spherical fuel elements in South Africa and China (3). Remarks...

  6. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    beispielsweise seine Bevölkerung nicht hungern lassen... In Pakistan und Indien sieht die Situation nur unwesentlich besser aus und auch all die anderen Staaten wären besser beraten ihre Infrastruktur, die Bildungssparte sowie die Gesundheitsvorsorge nicht länger kaputt zu sparen... Und selbst das "Nicht-Atombomben-Land" Deutschland könnte ruhig weniger Geld für Tod und Verderben ausgeben Laut...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 142 December 2013

    in Pradeep Indulkar's documentary "High Power". The residents of the villages around Tarapur have been protesting against the nuclear power plant since 1999. The government promised them work and the expansion of the infrastructure, but lied and cheated them because they have no electricity, even though they live in the immediate vicinity of the power plant. When they protested, police forcibly evicted them from their villages and...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 140 December 2012

    of Atomic Energy). It was founded in 1987 and is based in Mumbai." (5) It is striking that the nuclear industry emphasized early on that it would promote social activities, infrastructure and even wind turbines in the surrounding communities. One of the largest wind farms in India with an output of 2.000 MW is now located in Kudankulam in operation next to and on the nuclear power plant site...

  9. THTR Newsletter No. 137 December 2011

    In 2011, detailed plans with the corresponding intermediate steps were presented by the Polish government. The legal, institutional and infrastructural framework must therefore be created in the next few years. In addition, there is the definition of safety requirements and the training of specialists. - A very high level of effort for what is supposedly so inexpensive...

  10. THTR Circular No. 136 July 2011

    to spend on THTR research. In an interview with the Dresden University Journal, Professor Hurtado raves: "The ZET offers us around 1500 square meters of usable space and the infrastructure to build an experimental basis for cutting-edge energy technology research. This includes, to name just a few examples, the most modern Training nuclear reactor in Germany...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 133 October 2010

    Jülich discontinuation of scientific use at the end of 2009. Planned start of dismantling in 2012. "Remaining term": 2011 to 2015. 9. Large Hot Cells (GHZ), Jülich Dismantling of infrastructure that is no longer required. Planned start of dismantling in 2012. "Remaining term": 2011 to 2018. 10. WAK/EWN (research reactor FR-2), Karlsruhe This reactor with an output of 44 MW was in operation from 1961 to 1981...

  12. The special forces in the national ABC deployment concept

    is required according to Section 16, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance may collect and use information, including personal data, about assistance potential and about objects and infrastructural facilities that are relevant for civil and disaster protection. This includes in particular information about 1. personnel, material and infrastructural...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 120 March 08

    (VSE) states on its website what the next concrete steps towards Generation IV reactors will look like: “The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), which provides a high-quality infrastructure for research and development, is already active in nuclear technology research . His research interest lies in two (of six) new reactor technologies in particular: the...

  14. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    Operator that uranium would only be enriched to 8% in the reactor. Klaus Traube, currently energy policy spokesman for BUND, wrote to us on June 21.6st. quite generally: "The infrastructure that can be used for military purposes begins with the basic nuclear technology know-how and is then completed when either uranium enrichment or reprocessing, i.e. facilities in which weapons-grade fissile material is produced...

  15. THTR Newsletter No. 89 March 04

    can mediate with the THTR power plant in Uentrop-Schmehausen? Whether questions about building law, questions about safety (disaster protection plan), municipal investments in the creation of the infrastructure, dealing with the THTR accident in 1986 or with the safety containment and the associated nuclear waste transport as well as the establishment of a round table - the city of Hamm has...

  16. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    The German nuclear industry was able to enrich itself with millions in state aid from Namibia's natural resources, and South Africa, as the successor to the German colonial power, received the infrastructure for its atomic bomb factories from the Federal Republic of Germany in return. Usually using a tried-and-tested trick, individual parts were delivered one by one rather than complete systems (14). The South African racist regime...

  17. THTR Circular No. 108 August 06

    Operating company. The EWN see their future as a disposal service provider for radioactive materials with pan-German and perhaps even international business partners. The facility already has the necessary infrastructure - in addition to a newly expanded port, there is also a connection to the rail network. This is what it says on the Energiewerke website: The interim storage facility is...

  18. THTR Circular No. 107 June 06

    in the range of €650 million to €750 million including assumed debt. (...) RWE is giving up service providers in the energy industry, for example in the areas of line construction and infrastructure, switchgear and the dismantling of nuclear plants. According to CEO Harry Roels, the group is concentrating entirely on the supply of electricity and gas. (...) Also the second largest...

Results 41 - 58 from 58