1. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    and manufacturing process were a mystery for a long time. Roman concrete, also known as opus caementicium, was a material that the Romans used in a variety of structures and infrastructure, from aqueducts and roads to temples and baths. [...] Unlike modern concrete, which often begins to crumble after a few decades, Roman concrete has the ability to...

  2. Newsletter XXVIII 2023 - July 9-15 - News+ Bulgaria wants to sell Russian reactors to Ukraine

    Germany is now more expensive to develop than renewable energies. However, it is incomprehensible how poorly Germany is prepared for the energy transition. There is still a lot of catching up to do, particularly when it comes to expanding infrastructure, such as power lines between northern and southern Germany... * United States | Fascism | Don Trumpl expert on fascism in the USA: “With Trump’s...

  3. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    KKR (who, by the way, own large parts of the “BILD” and “WELT” publishing houses): Over 1 trillion euros (yes, a thousand billion) of their assets will soon be worthless. Property such as plants, refineries, infrastructure and so on. Because soon we will no longer need pipelines or other fossil infrastructure because we can simply regulate most things with renewables. Electricity directly from the roof, with...

  4. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    he couldn't keep up. They will have lucrative photovoltaic systems set up in Bönitz, and animal husbandry will initially be “slightly reduced”... *** March 2nd Renewables | Hydrogen infrastructure | Moorburg Hamburg buys decommissioned coal-fired power plant from Vattenfall The city of Hamburg has bought the decommissioned Moorburg coal-fired power plant from the energy company Vattenfall. As of March 1st...

  5. Newsletter V 2023 - January 29 to February 4 - News+ Je suis mud monk

    | Framatomes | Rosatom expansion plans for Lingen fuel element factory BMUV plans "federal supervisory audit" - Uranium factory will be "significantly changed" - secret "preliminary audit" in Hanover Nuclear infrastructure under Russian influence? - Framatome already licensed by Rosatom? The Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV) is planning a "federal supervisory review" of the French...

  6. Newsletter II 2023 - January 8th to 14th - News+ We have already won

    in Europe since the Second World War has brought unimaginable suffering. And there is no end in sight. Millions of people are homeless or on the run. The economy is in free fall. The infrastructure is being destroyed every day. Civilian casualties continue to rise by thousands. At least 100.000 soldiers on each side have fallen so far and hundreds of thousands more are injured. [...] In...

  7. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, Norway and Germany want to confirm their intention to ensure a large-scale supply of hydrogen with the necessary infrastructure from Norway to Germany by 2030... * Energy transition | Solar modules | Electricity costs The solar revolution from below Solar modules have now become so cheap that many households...

  8. Newsletter LI 2022 - December 20th to 25th - News+ One UN for all

    New York. The small Himalayan state of Bhutan pays more per capita for the UN budget than the USA and our country. Qatar's annual UN contribution is $7,8 million. According to the Reuters news agency, the government in Doha is paying $500 million per week for the infrastructure of the World Cup. The old theme: The world has more than enough money. The redistribution of this...

  9. Newsletter XLIX 2022 - December 08th to 14th - News+ Umwelthilfe makes proposals for the rapid development of European photovoltaic production

    There is now a much greater focus than already planned on accelerating planning and approval procedures, expanding the network and quickly expanding hydrogen production and the corresponding infrastructure. * Expansion of renewable energies | Morocco | Denmark "Import of ideas" How to expand renewable energies? In Germany, the expansion of renewable energies is stalling - especially the construction of new...

  10. Newsletter LII 2022 - December 26-31 - News+ Putin and Lavrov should have gone before the UN

    Menschen auch in Deutschland über die Möglichkeit eines "Blackouts". Denn die brutalen russischen Raketenangriffe auf die Energieversorgung der Ukraine zeigen auf, wie verwundbar die kritische Infrastruktur einer Gesellschaft ist, in der längere Zeit der Strom ausfällt: dann fallen plötzlich sämtliche Kommunikationskanäle aus, ebenso die Wasserversorgung, nach gewisser Zeit auch die...

  11. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    wovor Kri­ti­ke­r:in­nen von Flüssiggas, dem sogenannten LNG, immer gewarnt haben: Im Windschatten der aktuellen Energiekrise wird eine absurd teure und vor allem sehr klimaschädliche neue Infrastruktur aufgebaut, die auf viele Jahre bestehen bleibt. Das ist fatal. Angesichts der rasant voranschreitenden Erderhitzung darf es nicht um den Umstieg von russischem Gas auf LNG aus Katar, den USA,...

  12. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    Around 13 years should be enough. That couldn't work; It is now clear that the decision will be delayed for years... * Energy supply | Privatization | Infrastructure Green privatization Baden-Württemberg plans to sell part of the high-voltage network. Selling off “critical infrastructure” is fine – as long as China is not involved So-called critical infrastructure in...

  13. Newsletter XLII 2022 - October 23rd to 27th - News+ The fairy tale with primary energy consumption

    Ziel für die Absenkung des Endenergieverbrauchs bis 2020 verpasst. Beklagt wird der EU-weit wachsende Verbrauch von Stein- und Braunkohle und die Investitionen in neue fossile Infrastruktur, die eine Festlegung für die nächsten Jahre bedeute. Wobei Braunkohle, der Brennstoff mit den meisten Treibhausgasen pro erzeugter Kilowattstunde, vor allem in Deutschland im großen Umfang verbrannt wird......

  14. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    halts its wing production in the middle of the energy crisis? And that also in Germany, where wind power, according to the federal government's declared goal, should actually be massively expanded?... * Infrastructure | Power plants | Electricity gas pipes | Pipelines Infrastructure in Germany: Decentralization protects The infrastructure must become more resilient against attacks. Thanks to digitalization,...

  15. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    play? Robert Pollin: Neither negative emissions technologies nor nuclear power are likely to make a significant contribution to building an alternative global clean energy infrastructure. It's even more likely that they will cause even bigger problems. Let's start with nuclear energy. It has the great advantage that it generates electricity without...

  16. Newsletter XXIX 2022 - July 17th to 24th - News+ Government in the climate crisis

    National Fund (Snf) for Empa (Swiss Federal Materials Testing and Research Institute) is intended to explore the basics and prepare practical applications. * LNG | fossil infrastructure | DUH Environmentalists against gas production projects Fossil dam failure feared The first floating liquefied natural gas terminals are scheduled to go into operation on German coasts at the end of the year -...

  17. Newsletter XX 2022 - May 13th to 19th - News+ A flood of open letters and the day of freedom of the press

    negotiate! The chances of an end to the war increase if Russia no longer believes it can win. Considerations on requirements and consequences * Renewable | Storage | Infrastructure Option for supplying renewable energy: Large energy storage at former power plant locations Infrastructure and specialist staff are already in place: Can former fossil...

  18. Newsletter XIX 2022 - May 05th to 12th - News+ The economic consequences of the Ukraine war

    predict. This could become a problem for weather forecasts, climate forecasts and the marine ecosystem. ** May 08th Climate Killer | methane | Natural gas | fossil climate killer methane from gas infrastructure: help, one, two, many leaks! The gas industry is climate-friendly. However, a survey shows that there are completely unnecessary emissions of greenhouse gases in their supply chain. * Energy transition |...

  19. Newsletter XIII 2022 - March 26-31 - News+ A month of war in Ukraine: developing a tragedy

    be the last war for fossil fuels” The economist and best-selling author believes that the Ukraine war will accelerate the energy transition. Germany must build a new energy infrastructure with might and main. Jeremy Rifkin advises governments and politicians around the world. He has been campaigning for a more environmentally friendly form of economy for decades and has written 21 books, including...

  20. Newsletter I 2022 - January 01st to 06th - News+ EU considers nuclear power plants to be climate-friendly

    auf den europäischen Green Deal haben. * Klima Klimawandel: Die Städte werden kochen Mehr heiße Tage, deutlich mehr "Tropennächte" und stetig steigende Spitzentemperaturen: Unsere urbane Infrastruktur wurde mit den Erfahrungen eines gemäßigten Klimas errichtet. Experten fordern Umdenken * Rüstung Als Nächstes: Atomwaffen verbieten! Peru hat als 59. Staat den Vertrag über das Verbot von...

Results 21 - 40 from 59