1. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    against nuclear power plants. Thank you very much Werner! Nothing to thank for. But while we're on the subject of 'putting honey on your beard': (do you actually still have a beard?); Thanks go to Horst Blume. After Chernobyl, many people were active, you were active before and you still are. Even in such bad times for activists like these, in 2003 'Money, Money, Money - always funny - it's a rich mans...

  2. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    The nuclear power plant lobby is increasingly trying to get orders from abroad..." - The THTR supporters had already found new friends in racist South Africa in 1987. We see the result today. Horst Blume (All information is from the TAZ editions from July 15th, September 7th, 18th and 19th, October 13th and 28th and November 9th 1987) The importance of ESKOM for the apartheid system Top of page Gottfried...

  3. THTR Newsletter No. 85 September 03

    should be translated into English. We will approach the city of Hamm with a citizen's application so that an official exchange of experiences between Hamm and Cape Town can take place. Horst Blume (Sources: "Cape Argus" from July 28th, August 25th and 26th; "The Star" from June 6th and July 28th; "Green Clippings" from July 29th; "Netzeitung" from August 22nd 2003) *Chippy Olver used to be...

  4. THTR Circular No. 87 January 04

    It's high time something like this developed in Hamm too. Interested parties are welcome to get in touch (see imprint); If something happens in the next few months, you will receive an invitation. Horst Blume Dear readers! In the meantime, our website is no longer on page seven at 2003 on the most important search engine Google under "THTR" as it was in October 74...

  5. THTR Circular No. 88 February 04

    There are half a dozen other countries that are involved or have a strong interest in HTR research but have not been mentioned here due to space limitations. So: To be continued. Horst Blume Signs & Wonders: Top of page The Foreign Office wrote to the Citizens' Initiative for Environmental Protection in Hamm on January 10.01.2004th, 11.07: "For your letters of July XNUMXth and...

  6. THTR Circular No. 90 June 04

    will be an important project for the nuclear industry and that it does not want to leave the field to us alone. On May 23rd, at the Gustav Heinemann educational center in Malente (Schleswig-Holstein), Horst Blume gave a literary-political lecture on the possibilities and limits of the THTR resistance in the 80s in the Hamm-Uentrop district council and in the Hamm city council ( and of course...

  7. THTR Circular No. 91 July 04

    Accidents using experiments on fast transients. Academy of Sciences = process and component technology as well as safety improvements in nuclear facilities. Horst Blume Notes/sources: 1 Lothar Hahn: "Assessment of domestic and foreign concepts for small high-temperature reactors", 1990, pp. 2 - 19 2 Ulrich Kirchner "The high-temperature reactor. Conflicts,...

  8. List of incidents at THTR - collected by Horst Blume

    clearly shows that during the years of operation of this reactor there was hardly a month without complications. Even after it was shut down in 1989, the incidents did not stop. Horst Blume Start of the list - September 07.09.1985th, 10.09.1985 Moisture sensor failure. Cause: The measuring electrodes of the humidity sensors are covered with graphite dust. September XNUMX, XNUMX Crack in condensate pipe. Cause: Vibration cracking...

  9. 1986 - Lothar Hahn on the subject of safety at HTR

    (The "Westfälische Anzeiger of May 19, 5 reported: "Almost a year and a half after trial operation began, 1987 (!) of the tennis ball-sized fuel elements had to be separated..."; Horst Blume). The unexpectedly high amount of radioactively contaminated graphite and... Fuel dust and metallic abrasion were causally responsible for the accident on May 8.000, 4. In addition...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    rejected that the operators had lost all trust in him. As if that wasn't enough,... Günter Dietrich, technical managing director of HKG, contacted Horst Blume via email on August 16.8.2004, XNUMX. Here is the amazing content. Start of quote "(...) I would like to renew my offer to meet in Hamm-Uentrop, especially to you Mr. Blume, since Mr. Neubauer is not in favor of something like that...

  11. THTR Circular No. 96 January 05

    However, not necessary in Germany. Here, research into nuclear power continues diligently with government support. It's just called safety research and competency maintenance! Horst Blume Civil and military technologies merge Top of page Under this significant heading, you could read an article in the "VDI News" on December 17.12.2004, XNUMX, which dealt with...

  12. THTR Circular No. 97 February 05

    Above all, the outlook into the future mentioned in the lecture, by presenting perspectives and possibilities for commitment to a non-violent, masterless society. Horst Blume From below! Before my two contributions, I would like to say by way of introduction that I live in Hamm/Westphalia about seven kilometers away from the thorium high-temperature reactor1 and this...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 98 March 05

    The calculation has paid off and the red-green ministerial bureaucracy is helping diligently, constantly shouting loudly: It's just security research, security research, security research! Horst Blume Pakistan delivered to Tehran Top of page In THTR-RB No. 95 I described how the German-Dutch Urenco and Jülich pupil Khan obtained information and...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 99 April / May 05

    Ministry of Energy. Konya in Central Anatolia is considered a possible location. According to the government's plans in Ankara, a total of three nuclear power plants are to be connected to the grid from 2012." Horst Blume It is a crime story on the international stage. The "father of the Pakistani atomic bomb Abdul Quadeer Khan was in the German-Dutch-British region in the 70s ...

  15. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    gained important political experience. He even spent some time in Cape Town. So only a few kilometers away from the place where the construction of a new HTR is planned today. Horst Blume South Africa: Subjective approach to a distant country Top of page Renaissance. The THTR in Hamm, fought down after 14 years, had to be shut down in 1989. But after another 14 years...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 101 October 05

    and the privatization of the water supply in South Africa, many poorer people there can no longer pay for water, which is now greatly overpriced, so diseases are spreading. Horst Blume Uhde in trouble Top of page On its homepage, Uhde (Dortmund) boasted on December 2, 2004 that it had received the European Environmental Press Innovation Award (EEP Award)...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    Corporations (integrated into an international structure) do not in the least prevent themselves from continuing to do good business with the renaissance of nuclear energy that they are pushing. Horst Blume The “International of Nuclear Power” received the Nobel Peace Prize: Next time the mafia?? Top of page This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Mohamed ElBaradei and the...

  18. THTR Circular No. 104 January 06

    "Contact with national and international engineering companies, expert organizations and authorities as well as research institutions". It is a demonstration of nuclear expansionism. Horst Blume Further articles on the AVR in Jülich can be found in the THTR newsletter No. 80 and No. 81. THTR-Castoren in Ahaus: "Individual error" Top of page A few days before Christmas, signs and...

  19. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    still be as strong as before. It was not for nothing that the reactor was shut down in 1989. (This article was already published in the WA on March 08.03.2006, 30 with a photo of the campaign as a letter to the editor!) Horst Blume Medien-Echo Top of page It is certainly not a bad sign when a citizens' initiative foregoes the nostalgic ceremony for its XNUMXth birthday and instead joins in the hammer...

  20. THTR Circular No. 106 April 06

    uses it to operate unsafe reactors. (...) As usual, the environment and the population will fall by the wayside." The recommendation follows to read our www.thtr-a.de pages. Whatever happens. Horst Blume Notes: Allgemeine Zeitung Windhoek, March 1st. 3 Namibia Plus Online, March 2006, 3 Allgemeine Zeitung Windhoek, March 3, 2006 THTR circular No. 6, 3 Allgemeine Zeitung February 2006, 85 Allgemeine...

Results 61 - 80 from 88