1. Newsletter L 2022 - December 15th to 19th - News+ Criminalization of activists of the last generation

    the government inaugurated the first German liquid gas terminal. It's a shame that she doesn't show as much enthusiasm when it comes to climate protection. If the gas comes on again, do I even have to turn down the heating or take a shorter, lukewarm shower so as not to throw money down Putin's throat? The message sent by the media fanfare at the inauguration of the first German liquid gas terminal in Wilhelmshaven...

  2. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    Electricity over 50 kilometers. By switching to electric cars powered by green electricity, the final energy requirement falls by 70 percent. The situation is similar with heating: with gas and oil heating, some of the energy is lost; One kilowatt hour of energy in the fuel always produces less than one kilowatt hour of heat in the apartment. With a heat pump it is the other way around:...

  3. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    Great idea, says Angela Lutz-Plank from the Munich Tenants' Association: "Otherwise, tenants have relatively few options compared to owners." They can neither insulate their apartment nor change the heating, and tenants' own photovoltaic options are limited to small balcony systems. That's why the tenant representative emphasizes: "We would like it if many...

  4. Newsletter XXXV 2022 - September 01st to 08th - News+ No nuclear power plant runtime extensions!

    Post... * Merzthutjanix | CDU | Blackout overloading the power grids CDU leader Merz warns of a "blackout" Friedrich Merz fears that lights and heating could fail throughout Germany in autumn and winter - the only way to prevent this: the nuclear power plants would have to run longer.... Merz' own party, the CDU, had to leave under the then Chancellor Angela Merkel...

  5. Newsletter XXVI 2022 - June 26th to July 01st - News+ Study: Renewable energies more reliable than nuclear energy

    based. * Climate change | Hot water bladder | Pacific The cause of the blob seems to have been clarified In recent years, a deadly warm water bubble has repeatedly spread in the Pacific. The heating of the earth is the reason for the phenomenon called blob. * Photovoltaics | Efficiency | TPV cell infrared photovoltaics: New cell with over 40 percent efficiency Scientists from the renowned...

  6. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    Rettung der drohenden Energiekrise zu übernehmen? Alles nur „massives Lobbying“, sind sich Martin Baumann und Günther Pauritsch von der Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) einig. * Wärme | Wärmepumpe | Heizung Wärmepumpen 2021 erstmals in mehr als der Hälfte neuer Wohngebäude eingebaut Erneuerbare Energien setzen sich für Heizungen in Wohngebäuden immer mehr durch. Laut Statistischem Bundesamt...

  7. Newsletter XXI 2022 - May 20th to 26th - News+ Politics of the forked tongue: They talk about peace but want war

    auch von grünen Minsterien gefordert. Eine neue Studie widerspricht dem. * Island | Energiewende | Geothermie Die Energiewende Islands Island hat bereits eine vollständige Energiewende bei der Heizung und der Stromerzeugung vollzogen. Die Entscheidung, auf Wasserkraft und Geothermie zu setzen, wurde schon während der Ölkrise in den 1970er Jahren getroffen. Von den Erfahrungen können auch andere...

Results 21 - 27 from 27