1. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    For 3,5 hours, this circulation only worked in normal operation; both reserve air lines were not operational due to a defect or maintenance work. (Source: ASN) Greenpeace, under the supervision of a sworn technical expert, determined that 400 cubic meters of radioactive wastewater per day were released into the Strait of Alderney via a four and a half kilometer long pipe...

  2. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    wrapped with adhesive tape, which again caused water to leak. So the crew used “a whole roll of duct tape, and there was very little leakage.” On April 18, 1989, according to Greenpeace, radioactive water leaked into the containment due to a leak in the heavy water system. Several employees were exposed to radiation during the repairs. In October 2011 there was a recent leak in a...

  3. Newsletter XL 2022 - October 09th to 15th - News+ In the hyperloop of excitement

    2022 at 15 p.m. at United Nations Square ** October 10 Jennifer Morgan | Climate conference | Energy crisis | fossil "The climate conferences are not enough" State Secretary and former Greenpeace boss Jennifer Morgan speaks in an FR interview about Germany's global commitment, a financial protective shield for particularly affected states and why they are committed to a...

  4. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    to be avoided during rearing, keeping and slaughtering. As a contribution to climate and environmental protection, because industrial livestock farming requires an enormous amount of resources. According to Greenpeace, the equivalent of 13,3 kilograms of CO2 is released per kilogram of beef. The same amount of mixed bread causes 0,75 kilos of CO2, apples 0,5 kilos, and tomatoes 0,2 kilos of CO2. The more meat we...

  5. Newsletter XXXVIII 2022 - September 24th to 30th - News+ Fridays for Future calls for a special fund of 100 billion euros for climate protection

    nuclear power plants to criticism. “It is and remains energy policy nonsense to undermine the legally stipulated nuclear phase-out on December 31, 2022,” said nuclear expert Heinz Smital from Greenpeace. "The electricity shortage in France due to the shutdown of numerous nuclear power plants shows how unreliable nuclear energy is. There is also the risk of catastrophic nuclear accidents."... * Nuclear phase-out |...

  6. Newsletter XXXVII 2022 - September 17 to 23 - News+ Low-level ionizing radiation also poses a risk

    Environmentalists are planning a collective lawsuit against the EU taxonomy: “Natural gas and nuclear power are not green.” But nuclear power and gas have been classified as sustainable and climate-friendly by the EU Commission. Greenpeace and other environmental organizations consider this to be a “breach of law.” This premiere would also be a sign of a turning point: the first group lawsuit by various...

  7. Newsletter XXXIII 2022 - August 14th to 21st - News+ Brainwashed? – Strategic communication!

    If it had previously been stopped, the hydroelectric power station would not have had enough emergency power available... - - Nuclear power plantsPlag https://atomkrafteplag.fandom.com/de/wiki/Beznau_(Switzerland) Greenpeace has published a fact sheet on Beznau with a list of incidents . In 1992, for example, two workers died while they were in a room with argon that had not been pumped out. 1997...

  8. Newsletter XXIX 2022 - July 17th to 24th - News+ Government in the climate crisis

    The main thing is that everything continues as before. Higher faster further. So now, again: with nuclear power. Only for half a year! Or something like that... * Chernobyl | Radioactivity Greenpeace measurements in Chernobyl: Radioactivity exceeds limit values ​​by up to four times First independent measurements by the environmental protection organization in the region around the nuclear power plant - assessments by the UN Atomic Energy Agency...

  9. Newsletter XXVII 2022 - July 02nd to 10th - News+ Global security is only possible together!

    If they demand this, they show a high degree of under-complex and non-holistic political thinking. Are they incapable of more complex thinking? * July 10, 1985: The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior I was blown up. Wikipedia Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior was sunk on July 10, 1985 by agents of the French Service Action in...

  10. Newsletter XXVI 2022 - June 26th to July 01st - News+ Study: Renewable energies more reliable than nuclear energy

    Nuclear power: No matter what speaks against it And once again nuclear power is supposed to save us. This time because Putin turns on the gas tap. It's not about arguments, just about ideology. * Greenpeace | fossil | renewable energies Greenpeace: G7 countries invest too little in renewable energies According to a study, the G7 countries invest on average almost as much money in...

  11. Newsletter XXV 2022 - June 18-25 - News+ Assange case: "Black day for freedom of the press"

    Brush, his hands and his face with water containing deuterium and tritium and could no longer be found afterwards. In January 1992, four tons of heavy radioactive water leaked... - Greenpeace - Search: India ** June 22 Duration | Fuel rods dispute between Söder and Scholz: Lack of fuel rods: “nonsense” or not? Russia is cutting gas supplies. Opposition politician -...

  12. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    als ursprünglich geplant zu vollziehen – bereits 2030. Ein entsprechendes Gesetz soll zeitnah verabschiedet werden, wie das Netzwerk Europe Beyound Coal berichtet. Zudem ist laut Angaben von Greenpeace Rumänien geplant, dass der rumänische Staat für jeden entlassenen Bergarbeiter Photovoltaikanlagen mit einer Mindestleistung von drei bis fünf Kilowatt kauft. Das sind positive Signale, doch die...

  13. Newsletter XVII 2022 - April 22-27 - News+ How Russia has Europe's nuclear energy in its pockets

    in the fight against climate deniers Social media platforms often present a poor image when it comes to curbing climate disinformation. This is the conclusion of a report prepared by Avaaz, Friends of Earth and Greenpeace USA. This rates Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube using 27 questions developed by the Climate Disinformation Coalition in the USA... *...

  14. Newsletter XIII 2022 - March 26-31 - News+ A month of war in Ukraine: developing a tragedy

    If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de *** March 31 Flamanville 7 activists arrested after protest at Flamanville nuclear reactor In France, Greenpeace activists are in the EPR reactor under construction invaded Flamanville to protest against those candidates in the French presidential elections who are...

  15. Newsletter VII 2022 - February 13th to 19th - News+ Repository Onkalo - These tunnels should solve the biggest nuclear power problem

    530 billion euros The expansion of the so-called EU taxonomy to include nuclear and gas power plants has far-reaching consequences for the financial market. According to an estimate by the environmental organization Greenpeace for “Spiegel”, planned nuclear power plants and natural gas projects worth up to 530 billion euros can now be declared sustainable investments. If you take into account all...

  16. Newsletter XLVIII - October 21 to 26.10.2021, 21 - News+ October XNUMX - Instead of terrorizing, start a humanitarian program

    and many smaller ones - an absolute madness, which is also related to the fact that a "civilian" nuclear industry is absolutely necessary to maintain France's nuclear weapons. At the same time, Greenpeace France has revealed that France is currently sending a large amount of reprocessed uranium to Russia. Greenpeace and Ecodefense are protesting against this! b) Urenco is also not...

  17. Newsletter XLV - 29.09. to 06.10.2021 - News+ September 29 - Germany's militarization: not an issue on election night

    sich bei den Uranmülltransporten von Gronau nach Russland um „Wertstoff“-Transporte. Doch in Russland lagert der Uranmüll nach Erkenntnissen der russischen Umweltorganisationen Ecodefense und Greenpeace Russland ohne jede Weiterverwertung auf Freiflächen unter offenem Himmel. Das ist ein lupenreiner Atommüllexport. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Bundespolizei dies nun offiziell bestätigt und...

  18. Newsletter XXXVIII - 26/30.08.2021/26 to 4/XNUMX/XNUMX - News+ August XNUMX - Court declares the development plan of the Datteln XNUMX coal-fired power plant invalid

    2021 26. bis 30. August *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Aktuelles+ Hintergrundwissen *** Jubiläum der Umweltorganisation 30. August 2021 - 50 Jahre Greenpeace: „Schaffen wir es schnell genug?“ * 30. August 2021 - Nordkorea nimmt offenbar Atomreaktor wieder in Betrieb * 30. August 2021 - Schwedens Regierung zögert beim Atommüll-Endlager * Komplizierte...

  19. Newsletter XXV - June 01st to 07.06.2021th, 01 - News+ June XNUMXst - Trinational resolution against fuel elements: Joint venture in Lingen

    contains record values ​​for nuclear energy Translate with https://www.deepL.com/translator (free version) * June 02nd, 2021 - USA against Iran: No nuclear weapons for the troublemaker * June 02nd, 2021 - Greenpeace: New CEO Stern has to give up OMV Setting the climate course * June 01st, 2021 - Last uranium transport leaves Königstein * June 01st, 2021 - Nuclear industry warns that net zero targets cannot be achieved...

  20. December 10.12.2020th, 12.12.2020 - Saturday, December 14th, XNUMX, XNUMX p.m. - vigil 'Am Seitenkanal' in the south of Lingen, in front of the fuel element factory

    of citizens even further. The BMU is thus aggressively pursuing the business of the nuclear industry and the sloppy federal and state nuclear authorities. Here is a PM from BUND and Greenpeace: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/7666/4785124 So there is a lot to do. Despite everything, we don't bury our heads in the sand, but take to the streets - off to Lingen! Nuclear-free greetings...

Results 41 - 60 from 83