1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    neue Abtreibungsverbote in den USA oder neue Strafandrohungen für Homosexuelle, etwa in Uganda. Ebenfalls weiter unter Druck geraten seien die so genannten Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen, etwa Gewerkschafter*innen, Um­welt­ak­ti­vis­t*in­nen und indigene Gruppen. Viele Regierungen hätten 2023 die Meinungs- oder Versammlungsfreiheit eingeschränkt, Gewalt gegen Protestierende, etwa durch Waffen...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    El Cerrejón immer wieder Opfer von Gewalt paramilitärischer Gruppen. Mit 690 Quadratkilometern ist El Cerrejón mehr als acht Mal größer als der lang umkämpfte rheinische Tagebau Hambach. Gewerkschafter sollen dort im Auftrag internationaler Kohlekonzerne ermordet worden sein... * Genehmigungen | Wind | Sonne | LNG | Solarpaket Solarmonteure von der FDP, sächsischer Enthusiasmus und frustierende...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    percent of the budget. To speak to Ash: The Germans didn't really understand what was going on. * Upgrade | War-ready business model Armament: The dissent in the unions Prosperity and security through more weapons production? A call from trade union circles warns against illusions. Even within our own ranks. “We have to equip ourselves for prosperity,” wrote...

  4. Newsletter

    The cosmetic exploitation of wonderfully progressive-sounding terms such as “climate justice” or “transformation” can be counteracted. People from social movements, trade unions, science and other areas of society have brought together knowledge and experiences in a joint effort. The result is a book about...

  5. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    are aimed at photovoltaics and solar thermal energy. This means that the cells produce electricity and heat at the same time with a much better efficiency than pure PV systems... * Union | Training | Skilled workers IG Metall complains about companies' lack of willingness to train IG Metall has accused companies of a lack of willingness to train. Union executive Urban...

  6. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    continue." Critics fear sabotage and espionage by Russia. Five members of the works council of the fuel element factory and two representatives of the Lingen branch of the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IGBCE) were also in Hanover on Friday. "We want to show that despite all the protest, that hits us, there is also a workforce of 400 people who are fully behind...

  7. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    There must be enough police officers on site in Biberach; they must consistently keep the entrances to the venue clear of demonstrators. The assembly authorities should – as requested by the police union – ban tractors or trucks from demonstrations. Because with such vehicles, blockades are too easy * Israel | Palestinians | Peace “This war leads to...

  8. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    diligently collected. A big thank you to everyone involved! But we urgently need as many signatures as possible. Therefore, please try to continue collecting - also in organic shops, from unions or from other environmental groups. How necessary our protest is can be seen again this morning: The Russian uranium ship Baltiyskiy 202 is currently heading towards the port of Rotterdam - on board...

  9. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    People come together under the motto “We are the firewall” because they are united by a common goal: to defend democracy. The signatories include the trade unions IG Metall, Ver.di and GEW as well as Pro Asyl, the Berlin Medical Association and the Protestant Church. In the past few weeks there have been repeated debates about who would be at the demonstrations against...

  10. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    What he doesn't mention is that he's committing a criminal offense. [...] Nana calls for further training on which trees can be cut down and how so that the forests are not permanently damaged. The Dolta union thinks this is better than licenses. “It's being cut down anyway, and we're only being punished because we don't have as much bribe as the companies that make big profits from endangered timber...

  11. THTR Circular No. 156, December 2023

    To solve problems. Franziska Müller and Johanna Tunn criticize that precarious and exploitative working and accommodation conditions will be the result and that civil society and the trade unions, as essential actors of these changes, are not involved in the decision-making processes. It is unclear how several thousand locals...

  12. Newsletter XLI 2023 - October 8th to 14th - News+ India - Flood and destruction - the last generation is right

    In contrast to those who damage the climate with further emissions, it is constitutional. At the same time, the demands of large interest groups such as industry, the construction industry and trade unions for fewer climate protection measures are given wide media space. It is shocking to see that, with a few exceptions, the majority of high-circulation media outlets follow this insistent...

  13. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    bad climate report card leads to better climate summits. * France | Nuclear waste | Bure anti-nuclear movement Small farmers against nuclear toilet Internationalist protest camp in France mobilizes trade unionists and farmers In Lorraine, near Bure, the busy nuclear state France is planning a nuclear waste dump declared as a research laboratory that is second to none. Consequently, the...

  14. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    Workers from Belarus, Italy and Greece who blocked arms shipments in their countries last year. That would be constructive journalism in the best sense of the word. One would have hoped that a trade union journalism day would have focused on such critical approaches. Educating people in times of war would also mean protecting those who profited from war...

  15. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    fossil business as usual instead of renewable intelligence. As reported, the federal government wants to heavily subsidize industrial electricity. Up to 30 billion euros could flow and the German Federation of Trade Unions, whose member IG Metall has been drumming up for this for months, expressly welcomes this benefit. A level of six cents for 80 percent of needs is appropriate and balanced, they say...

  16. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    widespread - for example during the check on a 15-year-old in Hamburg in August 2020, who was overpowered by several police officers because he was riding an e-scooter on the sidewalk. The police union (GdP) said at the time that it could not see any police violence in the video. [...] police use of force is a practice to assert this dominance in certain situations...

  17. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    SPD comrades on the old school détente policy. Willy Brandt's son and 200 signatories wrote to Scholz that it is not outdated. Former high-ranking SPD politicians and trade unionists have appealed to Chancellor Olaf Scholz to support early negotiations to end the fighting in view of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine. "With every day...

  18. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    been. The current intervention by Transport Minister Wissing in Brussels is just another example of this prevention policy... *** March 3rd Global warming | Fridays for Future | Verdi union Fight against global warming Tens of thousands of people are on strike for the climate “Climate protection instead of coal pollution” are demanded by demonstrators in Germany and numerous other countries around the world. The...

  19. Newsletter V 2023 - January 29 to February 4 - News+ Je suis mud monk

    again complained endlessly so as not to waste any pity points and construct reasons for more state money. After their work for the energy company, the police union (GdP) in Saxony-Anhalt announced in a press release their sheer horror that there were actually people who had a problem with their "excellent work": "That...

  20. Newsletter III 2023 - January 15-21 - News+ Climate Scam - Exxon knew it all

    (DJV) has criticized the raids on the Freiburg radio station “Radio Dreyeckland” as a “massive violation” of editorial confidentiality that is “completely disproportionate”. The dpa union said this and added, “unfortunately this seems like a targeted attempt at intimidation against unpleasant journalists.” Meanwhile, the radio station itself says that "several computers, cell phones...

Results 1 - 20 from 43