1. Newsletter

    Viertel davon, also 900.000, waren Gas- und Ölheizungen. 350.000 waren Wärmepumpen. Überrascht hat mich nicht das krasse Verhältnis. Nach der unsäglichen öffentlichen Diskussion über das Gebäudeenergiegesetz sind viele Gebäudebesitzer:innen verunsichert und setzen auf Vertrautes. Überraschend war für mich die fehlende öffentliche Wahrnehmung. Immerhin laufen die neuen fossil betriebenen...

  2. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    As a result of the trend reversal, the climate protection targets for 2030 and 2045 will be unattainable. Heating Act: Low point of the debate The negative surprise of the year for me was the discussion about the Building Energy Act, the so-called Heating Act. Yes, the Federal Ministry of Economics completely misjudged the social mood and the social explosiveness of the issue, and that was also...

  3. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    The much-discussed heating law was passed in the Bundestag this Friday afternoon. 399 MPs voted by roll call for the draft law amending the Building Energy Act (GEG), the Heating Cost Ordinance and the Sweeping and Inspection Ordinance in a version revised by the Committee for Climate Protection and Energy. 275 voted with five abstentions...

  4. Newsletter XXVIII 2023 - July 9-15 - News+ Bulgaria wants to sell Russian reactors to Ukraine

    Wiwin and member of the Klimareporter° editorial board. He is outraged that the FDP now wants to overturn EU climate laws. Climate reporter°: Mr. Willenbacher, after the Federal Constitutional Court stopped the Building Energy Act, the controversial proposal should now be passed after the summer break. Why has the so-called heating law become an almost never-ending story? What was going on...

  5. Newsletter XXVII 2023 - July 2nd to 8th - News+ Is nuclear power experiencing a renaissance? There are also military interests behind it

    Do they cost a lot and make others pay for it too? Anyone who sabotages the energy transition and climate protection should at least bear the costs... * Heat transition | Heating law | Heat plan | Building Energy Act The Heated Heat Transition Even if the revised "Heating Act" passes the Bundestag this week, it will only be able to have an effect on climate protection in a few years, and not even...

  6. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    To name wars like Rheinmetall and Co., whose stocks rise when people fall. Such enlightened journalism would sometimes have to become confrontational instead of constructive. * Building Energy Act | Heat transition with hydrogen? Building Energy Act: Bumpy heat transition with too long a start-up Important law ends standstill in the building sector, but is not enough to achieve...

  7. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    (INES ? Klass.?) Akw Embalse, ARG * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de June 17th Heating | communal heat | Building Energy Act The nerds in the southwest Numerous cities in Baden-Württemberg have long since completed their municipal heat planning - and show what constitutes clever concepts. It was a difficult...

  8. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    partly met with bitter resistance as soon as they became concrete: power lines? Preferably underground! Electromobility? But only if there are still cars with tanks! And: The Building Energy Act? Best not at all... * Media makes politics | ARD Tagesthemen Muzzle: Astonishing ARD censorship during the energy transition The Tagesthemen manipulates a survey for political reasons. The...

  9. Newsletter XXI 2023 - 21 to 27 May - News+ World Biodiversity Day: Will the plan to restore Europe's biodiversity fail?

    in the preparation of a corresponding law... * Fossil Lobby | FDP | Climate change deniers Have climate change deniers taken over power in the FDP parliamentary group? It was foreseeable that the Building Energy Act could become inharmonious. Such an important law with far-reaching consequences for the economy and real estate ownership is causing violent...

  10. Newsletter XIX 2023 - May 7-13 - News+ Is the West turning Ukraine into a nuclear battlefield?

    at the head of the Federal Ministry of Economics, which is forcing the heating transition on citizens against all reason, today she started a signature campaign against the Building Energy Act. In the Bundestag, CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja accused Economics Minister Robert Habeck of spreading "fear and terror throughout the country." Looking at the CDU campaign, one has to say:...

  11. Newsletter XVII 2023 - April 23rd to 29th - News+ Faulty SPD, self-deception at 1,5 degrees and war as a climate destroyer

    Save the economy, claims the European Heat Pump Association. Here are his arguments. The heat pumps: For some they have become a nightmare because the amendment to the existing Building Energy Act would result in high investment costs for the owners when replacing heating systems. But it depends on the perspective, says the European Heat Pump Association (European Heat Pump Association,...

  12. Newsletter X 2023 - March 5th to 11th - News+ Dangerous toxins: Which products contain PFAS

    The headline has it all. “Institute warns: Habeck’s housing hammer is costing us 1.000 billion,” writes the Bild newspaper on Friday. The accompanying text is about the planned reform of the Building Energy Act. A draft by the Minister of Economic Affairs, which was made public at the end of February, envisages gradual bans on oil and gas heating from 2024. From 2045 onwards, all heating systems will be powered by renewable...

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