1. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    there will be under ten. How do they do that? Is it scientific and legitimate? Or is there something like party political influence? * Climate justice | Consequential damage | Polluter pays principle Priced-in risks, eco-dependent banks and 60 million people with access Calendar week 11: First insurance companies react to climate risks - this logic applies from...

  2. Newsletter XXXII 2023 - August 6th to 12th - News+ Hiroshima - The asphalt will burn. Chaos will reign

    Civilians and forced laborers abducted by the Japanese army. August 9, 1945 - Dropping of the second atomic bomb - plutonium bomb 'Fat man' - on Nagasaki! (Explosive force 2 tons of TNT) By the end of 22.000, a further 1945 people had died from consequential damage. In the next few years a number were added... YouTube story in the first: Nagasaki - Why did the second bomb fall? On August 130.000th and 6th, 9...

  3. 1940 to 1949 - INES, NAMS and other events

    Uran-Bombe 'Little Boy' - auf Hiroschima! (Sprengkraft 12.500 Tonnen TNT) 9. August 1945 - Abwurf der 2. Atombombe - Plutonium-Bombe 'Fat man'- auf Nagasaki! (Sprengkraft 22.000 Tonnen TNT) An Folgeschäden starben bis Ende 1945 weitere 130.000 Menschen. In den nächsten Jahren kamen etliche hinzu... 16. Juli 1945 - 1. Atombombentest Trinity, New Mexico, USA Wikipedia de Die USA führten den ersten...

  4. Newsletter XI 2023 - March 12th to 18th - News+ 12 years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima – What have we learned from it?

    killed the Japanese and 470.000 people had to be evacuated in the following days. The high waves also damaged the nuclear power plant built on the coast and resulted in consequential damage that occurred simultaneously in four of six reactor blocks. There were core meltdowns in units 1, 2 and 3. As a result, large amounts of radioactive material were released - they...

  5. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    Nagasaki The two atomic bomb explosions killed a total of about 92.000 people instantly. A further 130.000 people died as a result of the attacks by the end of 1945, and countless others died from consequential damage in the years that followed. ** August 08th TÜV Süd | Additional income | Bag filler Controversial additional income: Sauter collected more than 250 euros from TÜV Süd The testing company and the long-standing...

  6. Newsletter XXXI 2022 - August 01st to 06th - News+ Withdraw the nuclear weapons from Europe!

    Nagasaki The two atomic bomb explosions killed a total of about 92.000 people instantly. A further 130.000 people died as a result of the attacks by the end of 1945, and countless others died from consequential damage in the years that followed. ** August 05th Nuclear lobby | Arithmetic artist Lindner | Kini Jödler In addition to the usual pro-nuclear propaganda, the chief lobbyist for the German nuclear industry also spoke one or two...

  7. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    20 kT = 22.000 tons of TNT. The atomic bomb explosions killed a total of around 100.000 people immediately - almost exclusively civilians and forced laborers abducted by the Japanese army. By the end of 1945, a further 130.000 people had died from consequential damage. In the next few years a number were added... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atombombenabwurf_auf_Hiroshima_und_Nagasaki...

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