1. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    mehr als verdoppelt... * Medien | Desinformation | Bertelsmann Mehrheit sieht Desinformation als Gefahr für die Demokratie 81 Prozent der Deutschen sorgen sich laut einer Studie wegen Falschinformationen um den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Besonders kritisch werden soziale Medien gesehen. Die Mehrheit der Deutschen sieht die Verbreitung von Desinformationen im Internet als erhebliches...

  2. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    US-Präsidenten Joe Biden und dessen Sohn geflossen sein sollen. Die Vorwürfe seien erfunden, sind US-Behörden sicher, der Mann wird angeklagt. Nun wurde er erneut festgenommen. Der wegen Falschinformationen über US-Präsident Joe Biden und dessen Sohn Hunter Biden angeklagte Ex-FBI-Informant ist nach Angaben seiner Anwälte erneut festgenommen worden. Der zunächst gegen Kaution auf freien Fuß...

  3. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    by helping pharmaceutical companies like Purdue Pharma create misleading marketing campaigns and boost sales of painkillers... * United States | Trumpl | Misinformation Trial against Trump Misinformation generated: Trump's ex-lawyer Cohen admits in court to incorrect use of AI The new AI programs have immense capabilities - the nature of their...

  4. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    to save nature "Fake News" against nature conservation One of the cornerstones of the European Green Deal, the Nature Restoration Act, is under fire in the EU Parliament. The conservative EPP group is using false information to stir up opposition to the project. The planned regulation to restore nature is a thorn in the side of conservative politicians. Last...

  5. Newsletter XII 2023 - March 19th to 25th - News+ The poison of doubt is the sugar for the bastard

    used instead of more harmless-sounding terms such as climate change to illustrate the scope of global warming... - Disinformation is the targeted spreading of false information, the aim of which is to deceive society, individual groups or individuals in the interests of political or economic interests. “Disinformation” rarely refers to...

  6. Newsletter IV 2023 - January 22nd to 28th - News+ How the FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann plays down her proximity to the armaments lobby

    18 organizations analyzed over 850 advertisers who advertised on social media between September 1 and November 23, 2022. They uncovered numerous misinformation and misleading narratives... *** January 26th Bure France | Criminalization Suspended sentences for demonstration The criminal organization in Bure collapses like a house of cards On the 26th...

  7. Newsletter XIV 2022 - April 01st to 07th - News+ Media: The truth and all the other victims

    of controlled information in order to achieve advantages over competitors and opponents in business or politics. This also includes influencing the media through false information (fake news), partial information or propaganda with the aim of media manipulation in one's own interest. In public media, information warfare is a form of cyberwar. In...

  8. THTR Circular No. 130 March 2010

    This includes the conversion of uranium and its enrichment as well as the separation of plutonium. Even in recent years, the inspectors in Vienna had obviously been fobbed off with false information. At the end of 2002 and in April 2003, the Atomic Energy Agency wanted to visit the Center for Laser Research at the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute Kaeri in Daejeon, but received...

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