1. Newsletter

    Fossile Energie wird aus Brennstoffen gewonnen, die in geologischer Vorzeit aus Abbauprodukten von toten Pflanzen und Tieren entstanden sind. Dazu gehören Braunkohle, Steinkohle, Torf, Erdgas und Erdöl. Man nennt diese Energiequellen fossile Energieträger oder fossile Brennstoffe (siehe auch Fossil). Dagegen wird Biomasse aus Holz und weiteren neuzeitlichen organischen Abfällen und Überresten...

  2. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    schreiben die Wissenschaftler. Die Ergebnisse werden durch Folgeuntersuchungen an Mäusen und kultivierten menschlichen Oligodendrozyten gestützt... * Klimaschutz | Fossile | Förderstopp Diese Erdöl-Reserven müssen ungenutzt bleiben Weltkarte zeigt Lage der Ölvorkommen, die nicht mehr gefördert und verbrannt werden sollten Hände weg: Wenn Klimaschutz funktionieren soll, muss die Menschheit einen...

  3. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    einen sehr bitteren Beigeschmack. * Erneuerbare | Klimawandel | Sonne Solare Zukunft gegen fossile Vergangenheit Alles Leben verdankt sich der Sonne – auch die Energie, die wir aus Kohle, Gas oder Erdöl gewinnen, ist in Jahrmillionen gespeicherte Sonnenenergie. Eigentlich ist die gesamte Geschichte der Evolution ein einziges Solarzeitalter, einteilbar in drei Phasen: Die erste Phase waren die...

  4. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    auf bedrohliche Weise... Der schreckliche russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat die Energiesicherheit in ein neues Licht gerückt. Wer glaubte und vielleicht immer noch glaubt, dass nur Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle und Atomkraft eine sichere Energieversorgung bieten könnten, weil diese Energie im Gegensatz zu den wetter- und jahreszeitabhängigen erneuerbaren Energien verlässlich sei, hat sich...

  5. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    die Bevölkerung weltweit auf zwei Milliarden verdoppelte. Ein rasantes Wachstum setzte erst nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg ein, als die Menschheit begann, neben Kohle auch schnell wachsende Mengen an Erdöl und Erdgas auszubeuten: Allein von 1960 bis zur Jahrtausendwende verdoppelte sich die Weltbevölkerung von drei auf sechs Milliarden – und seither wächst sie jedes Jahr um weitere 1,2 Prozent – bis...

  6. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    [...] Schließlich ist von enorm steigenden CO2-Preisen auszugehen. Wer noch auf fossile Gerätschaften angewiesen ist, seien es Autos oder Heizungen, für den wird es bald teuer. * Methan | Erdgas | Erdöl Neue Studie Methan-Emissionen in den USA höher als gedacht Methan ist um ein Vielfaches klimaschädlicher als CO2. Jetzt zeigt eine neue Studie: Gerade beim Abbau fossiler Energien wird offenbar...

  7. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    fließt, sondern buchstäblich in der Ukraine verpufft. Russland zeige erste Anzeichen des wirtschaftlichen Verfalls. Zuletzt hatten auch mehrere chinesische Großbanken von Russland abgewendet. * Erdöl | Raffinerie | Enteignung Weitere Kontrolle durch Bund? Rosneft-Enteignung in Schwedt immer unwahrscheinlicher Nach dem russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine werden die Rosneft-Anteile der deutschen...

  8. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    that his war exacts too high an economic price. Why didn't that work? And are the sanctions therefore completely ineffective?... * Sanctions against Russia, but not on oil and uranium. Oh dear, what a hypocrisy... Crude oil sales to India Russia defies sanctions and records unprecedented revenues High military spending and Western sanctions are putting a strain on the coffers...

  9. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    and nuclear energy to a sustainable energy supply using renewable energies. The term was culturally received after the Öko-Institut's book Energy Transition - Growth and Prosperity without Oil and Uranium, published in 1980, and was partly adopted as a loanword into other languages ​​(for example "The German Energiewende" or "A Energiewende alemã"). The aim of the energy transition is to...

  10. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    The whole thing started in the South American country around 15 years ago. At that time, oil prices skyrocketed and the state, whose energy supply depended almost entirely on imported crude oil, came under increasing pressure. The then President Tabaré Vázquez then turned to the physicist Ramón Méndez Galain for help, who came up with a plan to transform the energy supply...

  11. Newsletter L 2023 - December 10th to 16th - News+ The tail wags the dog and those on the right lead us by the nose ring “Back to the Future”

    Berlin and thus fueling farmers' protests. In doing so, he shows that he is still unwilling to work on solving central social tasks: climate protection and dependence on oil, including all of its serious problems. Abolition of agricultural diesel is years overdue Climate policy demands for the abolition of fossil subsidies such as agricultural diesel...

  12. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    The move away from fossil fuels causes outrage. At the climate conference in Dubai, politicians are struggling to take action against climate change. The focus is on fossil energies, and the Organization of Petroleum Producing States apparently does not want to accept any restrictions. Are fossil fuels in danger or not? That's what the countries are wrestling with at the World Climate Conference in Dubai, which takes place on Tuesday...

  13. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    Total costs are now expected to be around 5,5 billion euros. The company, based in Peine, had previously calculated estimated total costs of 4,6 billion euros... * Africa | Petroleum | Biodiversity | TotalEnergies | Uganda Ugandan oil project: A pipeline across biodiversity With a pipeline through its country, Uganda finally wants to earn money from the oil revival in...

  14. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    become. In an open letter to the president of this year's climate conference, Sultan Al-Jaber, health experts from around the world are calling for a quick and fair phase-out of coal, oil and natural gas. Renewable energies should be expanded as quickly as possible. Three health organizations from Germany have also signed. The reason: The fossil energies...

  15. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    Making fossil fuel nonproliferation a reality. The successful initiator is the “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty” initiative, which has achieved another major success on the way to phasing out oil, natural gas and coal... * Argentina | Raid “The tip of the iceberg” – Argentina takes action against Nazi printing press The discovery of hundreds of Nazi memorabilia...

  16. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    Wind turbine manufacturer Iqron files for bankruptcy, as does the Partzsch wind turbine generator factory in Döbeln... News+ Background knowledge Top of page News+ ** Ecuador | Petroleum | fossil | Oil slick Historic victory: Ecuador is the first country to say no to oil. 116 billion liters of oil are stored in the most species-rich part of the Amazon. In an unprecedented referendum...

  17. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    According to the IPCC, a large part of the existing fossil energy reserves may no longer be mined and burned if the goal is to be achieved - specifically: 80 percent for coal and natural gas and 30 percent for petroleum. A lot more of it would have to stay in the ground if 1,5 degrees is the goal. The new IPCC boss Jim Skea recently pointed this out. The energy companies, however, continue to...

  18. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    The plaintiffs’ right to a “clean and healthy environment”. Judge Kathy Seeley declared unconstitutional a state law that requires authorities not to consider the effects of greenhouse gases when reviewing permit applications for oil and gas projects. The decision in the case »Held v. Montana" has a great signaling effect and could lead to similar procedures throughout the country...

  19. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    discussed problem,” says the spokesman for the Citizens’ Initiative (BI) for Environmental Protection Lüchow-Dannenberg, Wolfgang Ehmke... * Mexico | Oil production | Oil slick contaminates beaches Foothills of a huge oil slick reach the coast of Mexico A huge oil slick is drifting in the Gulf of Mexico - and the oil is now spilling onto the beaches of Mexico. Environmental activists say it came from an oil rig where...

  20. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    its sustainability. But burning gas to generate energy and heat is very damaging to the climate, and in many cases even produces more greenhouse gases than coal or petroleum. This has to do with methane emissions during extraction and transport, the so-called indirect emissions. The gas lobby, brought together in the “Future Gas” association, presents the fossil...

Results 1 - 20 from 42