1. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    von 750 auf 674 Millionen Tonnen. Das ist laut Expertenrat für Klimafragen der höchste prozentuale Rückgang binnen eines Jahres seit 1990. Die größte Reduktion, um 20 Prozent, gab es bei der Energiewirtschaft. Industrie und Gebäude kamen auf ein Minus von jeweils acht Prozent. Allerdings sind die Daten für den Gebäudesektor zwar plausibel, aber nicht eindeutig, weil sie auf Schätzungen beruhen....

  2. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    für Wasserstoff. Dies jetzt schon zu planen, ist wegen der langen Bauzeiten wichtig. Doch hier gibt es noch viel Unklarheit. Wasserstoffspeicher werden laut einer aktuellen Analyse des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität Köln (EWI) künftig in zweifacher Hinsicht eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Das Papier entstand im Auftrag von Open Grid Europe, Deutschlands größtem...

  3. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    ihm sei »schleierhaft«, wie in Hinkley Point »jemals kostendeckend Strom erzeugt werden soll«. Neue Atomkraftwerke seien »nicht die Lösung für die Energieversorgung«. Der Bundesverband der Energiewirtschaft sieht das genauso. Weiterlesen... Aktuelles+ Hintergrundwissen Seitenanfang Hintergrundwissen Die Karte der nuklearen Welt Seit 80 Jahren auf dem Holzweg... * Die "Interne Suche"...

  4. Newsletter II 2024 - January 7th to 13th - News+ SMR: US developers of mini-nuclear power plants under pressure - class action lawsuit by shareholders against NuScale Power

    Leistung von 125 MW soll der Reaktor jährlich 1 TWh an Strom erzeugen. Stromgestehungskosten Stromgestehungskosten (englisch Levelized Cost of Electricity, LCOE) bezeichnen in der Energiewirtschaft diejenigen Kosten, welche für die Energieumwandlung von einer anderen Energieform in elektrischen Strom notwendig sind. Sie werden zum Beispiel in Euro oder Dollar je Megawattstunde angegeben. Die...

  5. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    und teilweise als Lehnwort in andere Sprachen übernommen (beispielsweise „The German Energiewende“ oder „A Energiewende alemã“). Ziel der Energiewende ist, die von der konventionellen Energiewirtschaft verursachten ökologischen, gesellschaftlichen und gesundheitlichen Probleme zu minimieren und die dabei anfallenden, bisher im Energiemarkt kaum eingepreisten, externen Kosten vollständig zu...

  6. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    für die Entsorgung der radioaktiven Abfälle und Demontage der AKW etwa 20,2 Mrd. Euro veranschlagt. Spanien setzt in Zukunft auf erneuerbare Energien. Spanien treibt die Transformation der Energiewirtschaft auf der iberischen Halbinsel weiter voran. Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie wurde nun von der spanischen Regierung bestätigt. Ab 2027 werden die laufenden Atomkraftwerke abgeschaltet. Bis...

  7. Newsletter XLIII 2023 - October 22nd to 28th - News+ Municipal utilities are leaving the Future Gas lobby association

    Apartheid cannot be accused a priori, regardless of the facts, because Israel is a Jewish state," said the Holocaust researcher... October 23 Coal | fossil | electricity production Global energy industry: From now on less coal will be burned Think tank has found out: use of fossil fuels Fuels are declining. But this is not just due to the industrialized countries. Here are the findings of...

  8. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    95 percent full, emphasize the authors. In addition, there is “significant flexibilities” in the use of import capacities for liquefied natural gas. “The Mukran fossil LNG project is not necessary from an energy perspective and is still not urgently needed to avoid a gas shortage in the winter of 2023/24,” says co-author Claudia Kemfert from DIW. The gas project is also...

  9. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    Lasso. With more than 5,4 million votes for the funding stop and 3,7 million votes against, it is the largest victory achieved by a democratic vote against the fossil energy industry, not only in Latin America, but also in the world. The vast majority of Ecuador's petroleum is found beneath the Amazon rainforest, whose role as an important...

  10. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    with 60 square meters of solar cells can deliver an average of over 8000 kilowatts per hour over the year... Wikipedia Energy transition [...] The aim of the energy transition is to minimize the ecological, social and health problems caused by the conventional energy industry and the resulting ones, so far external costs that are hardly priced into the energy market...

  11. Newsletter XXVII 2023 - July 2nd to 8th - News+ Is nuclear power experiencing a renaissance? There are also military interests behind it

    almost double. By 2050, estimates assume a total annual H2 requirement of around 200 to 700 TWh, of which industry will need between 75 and 360 TWh and the energy industry will need between 15 and 375 TWh, depending on the scenario. The wide range is mainly due to the fact that some scenarios envisage the use of hydrogen in transport and for heating buildings, while others...

  12. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    informed that Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) is not taking sufficient measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. While households, industry and the energy sector have reduced their emissions over the past three decades - although still far from sufficient - those from transport are at about the same level as in 1990....

  13. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    What for those in the know and specialists, it's about things like the electricity balancing group billing or the merit order of the German power plant park. Since the Ukraine war, however, the energy industry and energy policy have suddenly become concerned with how long we will have gas for heating and why electricity prices are so high. And which mistakes of the past are exactly responsible for this...

  14. Newsletter XVI 2023 - April 16th to 22nd - News+ Poisons for eternity - Uranium and its radioactive relatives

    The additional running time of the nuclear power plant is around 2,4 terawatt hours less, which corresponds to a CO2 reduction of 1,5 million tons. For comparison: the entire energy industry emitted 260 million tons of CO2 in 2022. According to the analysis, the price-reducing effect of nuclear power was also small. Due to the extension of the term by three and a half months until mid-April, the electricity price fell by 0,2 cents...

  15. Newsletter VIII 2023 - February 19th to 25th - News+ Mönch von Lützerath: Sympathetic figures of the climate movement

    in der Abwicklung», sagte Energieminister Tobias Goldschmidt (Grüne). Ein solche Debatte stifte nur Verunsicherung. Weil der Beitrag der Meiler verschwindend gering sei, gebe es aus der Energiewirtschaft keinen Ruf nach Verlängerung. «Denn die Anlagen sind alt, sie sind auf den Abbau ausgerichtet.»... * Stadtwerke | Gaslobby | CORRECTIV Erdgas: Wie Stadtwerke die Gaslobby finanzieren...

  16. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    Go to the net. Armin Simon from the anti-nuclear organization .broadcast explains: “Restarting the Emsland nuclear power plant again is an absolutely unnecessary risk for the entire region and unnecessary from an energy perspective. The Federal Network Agency recently confirmed that security of supply was and is guaranteed even without any nuclear power plant. A look at the electricity statistics shows that...

  17. Newsletter LI 2022 - December 20th to 25th - News+ One UN for all

    was calculated... *** December 21st Coal | CO2 | Climate footprint | Tender for greenhouse gas emissions: Coal boom ruins climate balance The energy crisis is making itself felt in Germany's energy industry. For the first time in a long time, emissions are rising again. BERLIN taz | The energy crisis is having an impact on Germany's climate balance - and, as expected, negatively. The...

  18. Newsletter XLIX 2022 - December 08th to 14th - News+ Umwelthilfe makes proposals for the rapid development of European photovoltaic production

    Of course, the necessary measures for climate protection are still not being implemented. Politics, including the world climate conferences, is still far too dependent on the old fossil-nuclear energy industry. In 1990, the world was blowing around 100 million tons of greenhouse gases into the air every day; today it is around 180 million tons - every day. And every day we kill around 180 animals and...

  19. Newsletter XLVIII 2022 - December 01st to 07th - News+ The New York Times and the new climate deniers

    delayed and more expensive wind and solar parks Due to the planned revenue skimming, eligible solar parks will collapse next year, predicts Robert Busch from the Federal Association of the New Energy Industry. New investments would no longer be worthwhile if financing cannot continue to be secured through PPAs as is usual in the market. Green electricity is cheap. Power Purchase Agreements, short...

  20. Newsletter XLIV 2022 - November 01st to 07th - News+ Do not fear progress and technology, fear capitalism

    In 2022, the green energy supplier naturstrom, among others, signed the Federal Association of New Energy Industry's voluntary commitment to good planning of outdoor PV systems together with other actors in Berlin. In this agreement, the participating companies undertake, among other things, to comply with standards to promote biodiversity when planning and constructing solar parks, which...

Results 1 - 20 from 39