1. Newsletter

    to provide aid for the Solar Package I that has just been passed - also in order not to increase dependence on Chinese products. The FDP is against it and has prevailed. * Emissions | EU directive | Freight transport Now come the electric trucks Two EU directives are forcing manufacturers of commercial vehicles to very quickly increase the CO2-free share. The manufacturers want these specifications...

  2. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    or have already partially dried out... * France | Hydrogen Green | Colors France delays adoption of EU renewable energy law The formal adoption of the EU's renewable energy directive has been postponed after Paris raised a last-minute objection. Paris calls for further “guarantees” for low-carbon hydrogen from nuclear power. The...

  3. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    Lemke: “We have used nuclear power for about three generations and have produced waste that will remain dangerous for 30 generations.” * Renewable Energy | Hydrogen | EU Directive EU aims for 000 percent renewable energies by 45 After two years of negotiations, the European Parliament, EU Commission and Council have agreed on new targets for renewable energies. Until the end...

  4. Newsletter VII 2023 - February 12th to 18th - News+ Buzzword climate neutrality, saviors of the fossil lobby and the talk of alarmism

    disturbs More than a year ago, Germany should have introduced better protection for whistleblowers. Now the Federal Council is blocking the law. The long overdue implementation of an EU directive to protect whistleblowers is continuing to be delayed. At its meeting on February 10, 2023, the Federal Council refused to approve a corresponding law passed by the Bundestag. It was justified...

  5. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    However, there is now not the necessary majority. It is intended to better protect people who provide information about abuses in authorities or companies from reprisals. Germany is thus complying with an EU directive that should have been implemented by December 2021. The Bavarian Justice Minister Georg Eisenreich (CSU) said that there was agreement that there should be protection for whistleblowers and that...

  6. Newsletter XLIX 2022 - December 08th to 14th - News+ Umwelthilfe makes proposals for the rapid development of European photovoltaic production

    was presented. France's share of renewable energy is 19 percent of the country's energy consumption, well below the 23 percent target that Paris wanted to achieve by 2020 under the EU's Renewable Energy Directive, according to the study by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations ( IDDRI), the Jacques Delors Institute, the Institute...

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