1. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    China and shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East. But the historical record also documents the dark side of Kissinger's controversial tenure: his role in the overthrow of democracy and the rise of dictatorship in Chile, his contempt for human rights and his support for dirty and even genocidal wars abroad, secret bombings in...

  2. THTR Circular No. 156, December 2023

    This is also why the “Internationale of War Opponents” (IDK) Berlin will be releasing in the next few weeks the much-noticed booklet “Civil Disobedience and Democracy” written by Theo Hengesbach in 1979. Considerations using the example of the ecology movement” with a foreword and afterword by Michael Schroeren and me. I'll come back to that. For work on 'THTR Newsletter',...

  3. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    be even more expensive. Nuclear power is dangerous and makes Turkey dependent on other countries... * Last generation | criminal | Disobedience Is the Last Generation Criminal?: A Question of Democracy The Munich Regional Court has confirmed the suspicion that the Last Generation is a criminal organization. But the argument is not convincing. In May house searches took place nationwide...

  4. Newsletter XLVI 2023 - November 12th to 18th - News+ Violence as a consequence of climate change: No cool heads

    Attack on a journalist on the sidelines of an AfD event in Thuringia sparked outrage. The Thuringian Left co-chair Ulrike Grosse-Röthig spoke of an “attack on our democracy and the constitutional right to freedom of the press.” The state press conference wrote on

  5. Newsletter XLIII 2023 - October 22nd to 28th - News+ Municipal utilities are leaving the Future Gas lobby association

    Help, but we are against using the suffering of the people in the Gaza Strip to relativize Hamas' terror and to delegitimize Israel's self-defense. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and, like every functioning state, has to protect its own population from terror. Open letter The debate about the war in Gaza has hit a headline... * South Korea...

  6. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    suffered radiation poisoning... Translation with https://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) News+ Background knowledge Top of page News+ ** Fascism | populism | Democracy in the stranglehold of the horror clowns For a new concept of fascism Why we shouldn't just talk about right-wing populism when it comes to Putin, Orbán and Co. The ongoing scandal of the Russian...

  7. Newsletter XL 2023 - October 1st to 7th - Current news + FDP proposal for industrial electricity price relief is spot on

    * SPD | profit | Lobbyists "The SPD primarily made politics for the top 10 percent" A few years ago, Marco Bülow was seen as the SPD's hope - as the face of a social democracy that does not submit to Merkel and the power. Then he left the SPD. Roberto De Lapuente spoke to him. De Lapuente: Mr. Bülow, when you left the SPD in 2018...

  8. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    based on political slogans, ie using compact short formulas. Just think of the popular political classics of the German-speaking world: there is, for example, “Dare for more democracy!” by Willy Brandt – the slogan, by the way, was written by Günter Grass – or the Austrian counterpart “Walk part of the way together” by Bruno Kreisky. At the beginning of...

  9. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    to supply Ukraine with weapons. What does the fall of Imran Kahn and IMF loans have to do with the war in Ukraine? The Intercept reveals a secret US deal. It's about blackmail and contempt for democracy. In April 2022, the US supported the Pakistani military in organizing a no-confidence vote to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan. In advance of the...

  10. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    no leaflets today, but is aimed directly at its potential voters: “Now the point has been reached where the silent vast majority of this country must finally bring back democracy and tell those in Berlin that you must have your asses open up there , ladies and gentlemen." June 2023, on the Federal Government's Heating Act I am convinced Bavaria and...

  11. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    neoliberal FDP strengthens the fascists. Have we completely lost the ability to assess cause and effect? I can't help but feel that our democracy is currently being canceled... * Disposal | Dismantling | Unterweser Dismantling of the Unterweser nuclear power plant: Is material disappearing unchecked? In an open letter, an anti-nuclear group points out allegations...

  12. Reactor failure THTR - problems

    Hate speeches against the free press in general have a clear goal: they are intended to help weaken freedom of the press as the fourth power and then destroy the other three pillars of democracy at the same time. As 'Reporters Without Borders' reports, journalists are being threatened more and more frequently all over the world and they really need courage to do their job...! The screamers, on the other hand, don't...

  13. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    she, the big breath follows. The AfD has a special effect: if its values ​​rise, the threat level for the other parties increases, and as many say, also for the entire democracy. That is currently the case. In the trend barometer from RTL and ntv, the party was recently at 19 percent and therefore still ahead of the SPD. This is particularly a problem for the CDU. You are still standing...

  14. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    the rise of the right? Part 1 We live in a world facing existential threats as extreme inequality tears our societies apart and democracy experiences a sharp decline. The US wants to maintain its global hegemony, although international cooperation is urgently needed to address the many challenges...

  15. Newsletter XXVII 2023 - July 2nd to 8th - News+ Is nuclear power experiencing a renaissance? There are also military interests behind it

    u.a. folgende Ergebnisse: 11. Februar 2023 - Die Märchen vom Blackout * 16. Oktober 2022 - Die „Friends of MIK“ in AFD, CDU/CSU und FDP sind bereit für die Atomindustrie zu kämpfen bis die Demokratie am Ende ist. * 25. April 2021 - MiK rüstet sich für kommende wichtige Schlachten YouTube Stichwortsuche: Militärisch-industrieller Komplex...

  16. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    Akw Forsmark, SWE June 30, 1983 (INES ? Class?) Akw Embalse, ARG * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de July 1st Democracy | Reality | Populists The Angry Citizen Republic or: Everyone plays for the AfD SPD 18, AfD 18: When the percentages of the latest ARD Germany trend became public at the beginning of June, the outcry...

  17. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    entire German energy transition. The political demand that 65 percent of the heating energy required for new systems come from renewable sources or the environment is neither a restriction of democracy nor a deprivation of freedom. The possibilities for providing useful energy without burning fossil fuels are significantly more diverse than is often the case...

  18. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    Videos: contemporary witness portal from August 26, 2011 - 3:06 1931: Nazi propaganda * NZZ from June 20, 2018 - 3:47 Populism: A danger to democracy? * Terra Keyword search:...

  19. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    a loophole. And the USA also seems to be preparing for false flag actions (USA is building sensor network to identify perpetrators of nuclear explosions in Ukraine)... * Austria | democracy | Faschi's exhibition about Austrofascism: Austrian fascism In Vienna, an exhibition is currently providing information about the destruction of democracy and the establishment of...

  20. Newsletter XXI 2023 - 21 to 27 May - News+ World Biodiversity Day: Will the plan to restore Europe's biodiversity fail?

    It was foreseeable that the Building Energy Act could become inharmonious. Such an important law with far-reaching consequences for the economy and real estate ownership causes heated discussions and disputes in a lively democracy - that is the nature of things. You could also say: This is a feature, not a bug. The FDP's many abrupt changes of direction and its untruths...

Results 21 - 40 from 86