1. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    zu bauen. Eine gewisse Menge an neuem Zement werden wir aber doch noch brauchen. Für solche eingegrenzten Fälle, in denen wir uns wirklich nicht anders zu helfen wissen, brauchen wir dringend Carbon Capture and Storage, also CCS, wie die Abscheidung und Speicherung von CO2 gemeinhin abgekürzt wird. Nur leider will die Bundesregierung CCS auch in anderen Fällen erlauben: nämlich bei...

  2. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    des Abschlussdokuments zu viele Schlupflöcher und Feigenblätter. Von einem Verweis auf Kraftstoffe mit »niedrigem CO₂-Ausstoß« bis hin zu der expliziten Erwähnung von Technologien wie »Carbon Capture and Storage«, deren Effizienz himmelweit von Größenordnungen entfernt ist, die der Welt in der aktuellen, drängenden Notlage helfen können. Beide Seiten haben recht... * Förderprogramm |...

  3. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    Claiming that we will simply get the CO₂ out of the air, the oil companies are currently fighting for the survival of their business models, which are fatal for all of us. With Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), we simply fish the greenhouse molecules out of the air or exhaust gases, then we can continue burning oil and gas, or so the narrative goes... * Chemicals | Bisphenol...

  4. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    For cement plants and other concentrated emissions sources, one option is to capture the CO2 emissions and then store them underground. Such methods are known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). However, there are currently no geological CO2 storage facilities in Switzerland, and it is not foreseeable that these will be available in the near future. CO2 turns to stone The company...

  5. Newsletter XVI 2023 - April 16th to 22nd - News+ Poisons for eternity - Uranium and its radioactive relatives

    of the earth's history is the cause," said ecologist Franz Essl at a press conference of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Austria (ZooBot)... * CO2 | Greenhouse gas emissions | Carbon capture The rise of carbon dioxide as a renewable carbon source Capacities of more than 1,3 million Tons for CO2-based products already exist and will increase by 2030...

  6. Newsletter XV 2023 - April 9th ​​to 15th - News+ Traffic light climate, Switzerland as a role model and the better alternative to e-fuels

    Large-scale CCU systems In the system, around 70.000 tons of the CO2 produced during production are to be captured each year and processed for further use. The process is called “Carbon Capture and Utilization,” or CCU for short. A distinction must be made between this and the CCS process, in which carbon dioxide is captured and then stored... * China | Nuclear fusion | Experimental Advanced...

  7. Newsletter X 2023 - March 5th to 11th - News+ Dangerous toxins: Which products contain PFAS

    - According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this is an important component in reducing global warming. Klaus Wallmann, an expert in marine geology, examined how safe the technology is. tagesschau.de: Carbon capture and storage, or CCS for short, is still banned in Germany. But politicians are now thinking about it again. Why? Klaus Wallmann: There are a whole series of studies in Germany that...

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