1. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    an area relevant to the health of humans and fish-eating birds and mammals, according to a press release... * Heating with wind | Renewable Energy Act EEG | Community energy Wind turbines could – could – heat villages! If too much wind energy comes into the power grid, systems are curtailed. The excess energy could also be used for heat –...

  2. Newsletter XVIII 2023 - April 30 to May 6 - News+ Everything green? Energy Colonialism through Hydrogen Cooperation

    the Italian lawyer explains why he is suing his former employer and what the consequences were of the two judgments he won before the European Court... * Energy transition | Citizen energy | Energy Sharing Berlin Energy Days on Energy Sharing Sharing the electricity from the school's solar roof Even when it comes to traffic lights, energy sharing remains the stepchild of the energy transition. This could...

  3. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    Excess profits that fall from the sky and arise from the absurd tariff system (merit order) are taxed. According to this, the price of electricity is always determined by the most expensive form of its generation... * Citizen energy | Expansion of renewable traffic lights Improved renewable energy funding A bonus for community energy Wind power projects have become too expensive for civil society in recent years. That wants that...

  4. Newsletter LII 2022 - December 26-31 - News+ Putin and Lavrov should have gone before the UN

    Can be completed in 2024. The company has thus kept its promise to present a new completion date by the end of the year... * EEG | Tender | Citizen energy Community energy projects up to 18 MW exempt from tender from 2023 Berlin - In order to strengthen community energy projects and increase acceptance of the energy transition, the federal government has...

  5. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    Three nuclear power plants in Germany will remain in operation until mid-April - this has been approved by the Federal Cabinet. The ministers agreed to the necessary changes to the Atomic Energy Act... * Citizens' Energy | decentralized | Cooperation on community energy in transition The proximity of energy communities to local people is a valuable success factor for the energy transition. But citizen energy on the role...

  6. Newsletter XIX 2022 - May 05th to 12th - News+ The economic consequences of the Ukraine war

    In the fight against climate change and for more energy security, the new South Korean government wants to rely on nuclear power, unlike its predecessor. * Energy transition | Citizen energy | Wind | Solar | renewable The pioneers of the energy transition For the energy transition, Germany must quickly expand solar and wind energy. The most successful assistants might be those who...

  7. Newsletter XVIII 2022 - April 28th to May 04th - News+ wind vanes and pocket fillers in tireless use

    There is live fire over arms deliveries. Some place the main aggressor not in the Kremlin, but among those who question the rhetorical armament * Bürgerstrom | Electricity price | Citizen energy companies Study on energy sharing Citizen electricity via the network from up to 25 kilometers A good 90 percent of all households could be members of energy communities and then benefit from cheaper...

  8. Newsletter XVII 2022 - April 22-27 - News+ How Russia has Europe's nuclear energy in its pockets

    Colonialism Hydrogen exports can also harm development in Africa, a study says. But clear guidelines for investors can prevent this. * Citizen stream | Renewable | Community energy Belgian city shows way out of the crisis In Brussels, intensive discussions are currently taking place on the question of how Europe can free itself from dependence on Russia's energy. A look at the 70th...

  9. Newsletter II 2022 - January 07th to 14th - News+ Draft EU taxonomy: chance of nuclear power surviving?

    shows progress in the energy transition in the federal states. New “Renewable Energy Service Center” of the Renewable Energy Agency continues www.foederal-erneuerbar.de with state funding. * Citizen stream | Citizen energy Successful energy transition projects Citizen energy fund advances energy projects Energy transition projects with citizen participation often get stuck in the beginning if the necessary money is missing. In...

  10. Newsletter LV - 01/07.12.2021/01 to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - News+ December XNUMX - How many of our greenhouse gas emissions are we attributing to China?

    when organizing the emergency reactor cooling... ** Gundremmingen | Dismantling takes decades December 07th, 2021 - Shutdown of Block C: Final preparations at the Gundremmingen nuclear power plant * Citizen energy | Climate | Renewables | Citizens' electricity December 07th, 2021 - Free travel for citizens' energy? * Taishan-1 nuclear power plant | Evolutionary Power Reactor EPR December 06, 2021 - France: Nuclear regulator remains silent on...

  11. Newsletter XXXIV - August 02nd to 06.08.2021th, 02 - News+ August XNUMXnd - Collective electricity self-sufficiency still blocked

    Homeowners should have access to cheap green electricity from their roofs, according to the EU Renewable Energy Directive. The federal government claims it has implemented the directive. The Citizens' Energy Alliance objects and announces legal action. The new version of the European Union's Renewable Energy Directive has been in effect since December 2018, the abbreviation for this is RED II. The directive...

Results 1 - 11 from 11