1. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    chemischen Verfahren (PUREX) voneinander separieren. Abgetrenntes Uran und Plutonium können danach erneut verwendet werden. Soweit die Theorie... 21. September Rüstungsindustrie | Kartell | Bußgeld Waffenbauer aus Nürnberg EU bestraft Diehl wegen Handgranaten-Kartells Jahrelang haben die Rüstungsunternehmen Diehl und RUAG den europäischen Markt für Handgranaten unter sich aufgeteilt. Aufgrund...

  2. Newsletter XXV 2022 - June 18-25 - News+ Assange case: "Black day for freedom of the press"

    1982 - (INES - Class!) - Oconee Nuclear Power Plant, SC, USA Nuclear Power PlantsPlag Oconee... On June 18, 1982, the cooling system of Oconee-2 was damaged. In August 1997, the NRC fined the operator $330.000 after cracks were discovered in emergency makeup system lines. It was only discovered in 2011 that an emergency cooling system for an Oconee reactor installed in 1983...

  3. Newsletter XLVII - October 13th to 20.10.2021th, 13 - News+ October XNUMXth - Radiant madness

    Energy policy fails * Mourning for nuclear scientist Khan: October 14, 2021 - How the father of the Pakistani atomic bomb escaped the Mossad * October 13, 2021 - Federal Network Agency imposes high fines for manipulation in energy wholesale trade * October 13, 2021 - Increasingly extreme * October 13, 2021 - How much easier it is to ruin an ecosystem than to run it *** Top of page...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 140 December 2012

    a completely uninvolved German long-term holidaymaker was deported. The only foreigners involved in this conflict are Russian engineers on the operator side. Only 7 euros fine for offenses committed by nuclear power plant operators While the Indian government and the nuclear power plant operators are trying to assert their interests by militarizing an entire region, the state...

  5. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    If you make success the measure of all things, you can sometimes come into conflict with the law. On April 29, 4, the European Court of First Instance sentenced SGL Carbon to a fine of 2004 million euros in the "Graphite Electrodes" case. Finally, on its homepage, the busy stock corporation refers to the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This is supposed to be serious...

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