1. Newsletter XVIII 2024 - April 28th to May 4th - News+ Hubris of the West: Three decades of chaos and decline

    Deutschland kriegstüchtig machen, die Militärausgaben steigern und am liebsten die Wehrpflicht wieder einführen wollen, weil schon jetzt seit Jahren nicht genügend junge Menschen sich bei der Bundeswehr verdingen. Seit Jahren fehlen nach Personalplan 20.000 Soldatinnen und Soldaten. In ihren eben vorgelegten Bericht für 2023 schreibt die Wehrbeauftragte Eva Högl: „Die Truppe altert und schrumpft...

  2. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    the budgets of the other ministries have increased the most in recent years, from 38,5 to 51,95 billion euros. In addition, there are 20 billion from the special fund for the Bundeswehr for 2024. So a total of 72 billion will be spent on defense. That's an increase of almost 90 percent in just five years. In the USA they are on the Pentagon and security budget...

  3. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    War efficiency apparently consists primarily in promoting the profits of US defense companies through orders from European allies. The military historian Sönke Neitzel predicted that the Bundeswehr, stationed on the Russian border due to its lack of combat drone defense, would "only be able to die there with decency" if an armed conflict broke out....

  4. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    and defense industry". There is a need for an "industrial policy agenda" in order to "strengthen Germany, its industry and the jobs there as well as the capabilities and sovereignty of the Bundeswehr." Jürgen Kerner, Second Chairman of IG Metall, emphasized in this context that 2024 is " the year of decision for the defense technology industry in Germany". Against armament and...

  5. Newsletter

    Gases, forest fires, oil slicks * The search engine Ecosia plants trees! https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=Financing the military-industrial complex * analysis and criticism of the Bundeswehr's special assets: Is a military-industrial complex emerging? A special fund of 100 billion euros is intended to additionally increase the Bundeswehr's budget over the next five years. Including the...

  6. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    to carry out armed resistance against Israel from Egyptian soil - a nightmare scenario from Cairo's perspective... * Propaganda | cruise missile | TAURUS Super-GAU for Super-TAURUS The Bundeswehr is taking politics and the entire country hostage with its war games. In this case, the Chancellor is not the security risk. “Russian propaganda channels have recorded a...

  7. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    Who has ever been in control during a war? Does AI improve quality of life? Man-made wars are better? So many implications, I can't wait for part 2. * Poland | Bundeswehr | Lithuania To protect the NATO area How Poland is recruiting Bundeswehr soldiers - and how the Bundestag is reacting Poland's Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski is announcing the stationing of more...

  8. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    slow. * Arithmetic artist Lindner wants to freeze social benefits Moratorium on social benefits Criticism from the SPD and the Greens of Lindner's proposal to freeze social spending in order to have more money for the Bundeswehr - this proposal from Finance Minister and FDP leader Lindner met with sharp criticism from the coalition partners SPD and Greens. Social groups call the idea “indecent.” The...

  9. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    The commitments for grants and loans for cycle paths and buses in Peru, for example, date from 2020. They were given by Schulze's predecessor: Gerd Müller - like Huber from the CSU.... * Bundeswehr | NATO | Military exercise war games in Europe: How the Bundeswehr is preparing for a possible attack on Russia The Quadriga maneuver is about the rapid transfer of troops to the Russian border....

  10. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    which is so low that he is even allowed to continue owning weapons. [...] The network in which men and a few women arm themselves and prepare for “Day X” extends from the Bundeswehr and police to secret services and other authorities. It was initiated by André S. alias “Hannibal”, at the time a soldier in the Special Forces Command (KSK) of the Bundeswehr, an elite unit....

  11. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    and the FDP would not have wanted to know anything about it, even though the reduction of environmentally harmful financial aid and tax breaks even made it into the coalition agreement as a common goal... * Bundeswehr | Federal Audit Office | Armament spending “The Bundeswehr is purchasing machine guns that it cannot use” In the middle of the budget debate, the Federal Audit Office is severely criticizing the...

  12. Newsletter XLVI 2023 - November 12th to 18th - News+ Violence as a consequence of climate change: No cool heads

    They would have hoped that the Greens' participation would really make a difference, the letter says. “Then came the decision on Lützerath, came the 100 billion for the Bundeswehr, came GEAS. There was a basic child benefit that will effectively not help any child out of poverty, and a federal budget that wanted to make savings, especially for young people. It was too complicated, too...

  13. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    Defense spending in the tens of billions into the next decade. At least that’s what Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) promises. The special fund of 100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr is only “an important first step,” said the Chancellor on Friday at the Bundeswehr conference in Berlin. Germany will meet NATO's two percent target for the first time next year...

  14. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    out. 18 newer Leopard 2A6 main battle tanks were delivered in March, which, among other things, are better protected against mines. For this purpose, 18 new Leopard 2A8 main battle tanks will be purchased for the Bundeswehr. Poland and Portugal also sold off slightly older Leopard 2s. As is often the case, Ukraine serves as a combat zone for the scrapping of older weapons caused by the war, which the governments at the same time...

  15. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    Years after the start of the war in Ukraine, a German arms company is investing in a new factory for the first time in order to process an order from the Bundeswehr's 100 billion euro special fund. According to Rheinmetall, the plan is to build a “state-of-the-art factory” covering an area of ​​60.000 square meters. The construction costs are around 200 million euros. The area of ​​the factory corresponds...

  16. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    in the state of Lower Saxony, in the immediate vicinity of two large NATO military training areas called Munster and Bergen. [...] For decades, the German Ministry of Defense has said that the Bundeswehr does not have any uranium ammunition. But “Der Spiegel” revealed something different in January 2001: “The Bundeswehr also had uranium ammunition,” was the headline in the news magazine at the time. The secrecy went...

  17. Newsletter XXVII 2023 - July 2nd to 8th - News+ Is nuclear power experiencing a renaissance? There are also military interests behind it

    Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The first minister was Franz-Josef Strauß (CSU), who - like Chancellor Konrad Adenauer - considered building an atomic bomb to arm the Bundeswehr. Both distrusted the American security guarantee for Germany. When Adenauer trivialized the atomic bomb as a “further development of artillery,”...

  18. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    The President of the EU Commission explains this step in order to take precautions together. The "air combat system of the future", which is intended to replace the Tornado fighter jets and the breakdown-prone Eurofighter of the Bundeswehr as well as the Rafale aircraft of the French Air Force, is expected to provide even more military security from 2040. The package is also worth 100 billion euros...

  19. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    Decade, but as quickly as possible." Germany is moving in the right direction and has decided to buy fifth-generation fighter jets and helicopters... * Bundeswehr | Corruption | Franz Josef Strauß With the pale aftertaste of corruption Since its founding, it has been performing The Bundeswehr had major mishaps in procurement. Two scandals occurred in the...

  20. Newsletter XIV 2023 - April 2-8 - News+ Wars and School Massacres: The Cancer of Dehumanization

    Year brought influx: Thousands of people demonstrated across the country for peace between Moscow and Kiev, an end to arms aid for Ukraine and a renunciation of arming the Bundeswehr. Probably the largest Easter march with up to 2000 peace activists took place in Berlin. The organizers there warned of an escalation of the war in Ukraine. Germany shares some of the blame for this -...

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