1. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    and to seek a constructive dialogue with the city of Angra dos Reis in order to clarify open questions... Translated with DeepL.com (free version) * Bavarian-military turning point Bavaria's universities must conduct research for the military The turning point is reaching science and teaching . The state government has passed a law regulating cooperation between universities and the Bundeswehr...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    Grünes Licht für Atommüll-Zwischenlager Gundremmingen Würde das atomare Zwischenlager in Gundremmingen einem gezielten Terrorangriff oder Flugzeugabsturz standhalten? Über diese Frage hatte der Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof in München verhandelt. Nun gab er seine Entscheidung bekannt. Der Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichtshof hat entschieden, dass das atomare Zwischenlager in Gundremmingen...

  3. Newsletter

    the mirror writes. Air taxis were also a favorite topic of Wissing's predecessor Andreas Scheuer (CSU). It is therefore less surprising that the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Free State of Bavaria want to share the costs. However, the federal government should make advance payments - ultimately the taxpayers would be liable if there was a failure. In any case, the risks are great...

  4. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    cheaper The meteorological winter is over - the second after Russia's attack on Ukraine and the first after the final phase-out of nuclear energy. The energy supply in Bavaria and Germany coped well with this. There were many gloomy predictions - even in the days just before Christmas, when the proportion of coal-fired electricity in the German power grid was high for a short time....

  5. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    "gemarterte Ukraine" verfasst hat. Auf die Frage, ob er bereit sei, zu vermitteln, antwortete Franziskus: "Ich bin hier". * Glyphosat | Monsanto | Unkrautvernichter Umstrittener Unkrautvernichter Bayer kündigt Glyphosat-Alternative an Seit Jahren wird der Unkrautvernichter Glyphosat des Bayer-Konzerns als gesundheitsschädlich kritisiert - und es gibt vor allem in den USA viele Prozesse. Nun...

  6. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    arrived on the coast in the city of Gaza early in the morning. Thousands of Palestinians ran towards the vans. The army released a video that is supposed to show the onslaught... * Bayern | Electricity prices | Grid expansion experts: Nuclear phase-out has nothing to do with high electricity costs Friends of nuclear power like to emphasize how climate-friendly, clean and cheap nuclear power is. The majority of...

  7. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    die ein solches Ereignis hätte, halte ich dieses Risiko für inakzeptabel hoch... * Zulassung für von Monsanto entwickeltes Herbizid widerrufen Dicamba US-Gericht verbietet drei Herbizide von Bayer, BASF und Syngenta Laut einem US-Gericht war es ein Fehler, drei Dicamba-basierte Herbiziden eine weitere Zulassung zu geben. Diese wurde nun widerrufen. Ein US-Gericht in Tucson, Arizona hat drei...

  8. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    zur Verfügung und sie werden stärker. „Es werden daher immer neue Windgeschwindigkeitsrekorde gebrochen werden“, so die Forscher... * Glyphosat | Monsanto | Schadenersatz Glyphosat-Schadenersatz: Bayer unterliegt wegen Glyphosat vor US-Berufungsgericht Der Leverkusener Konzern muss in den USA mit hohen Schadenersatzforderungen rechnen. In der juristischen Abwehr erlitt das Unternehmen einen...

  9. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    Die USA hatten bereits bis ins Jahr 2008 Atomraketen auf der Royal Air Force Station Lakenheath in Suffolk stationiert... * Glyphosat | Monsanto | Pflanzenschutzmittel Pflanzenschutzmittel Bayer-Tochter erneut zu Schadensersatz in Milliardenhöhe verurteilt Ein US-Gericht sieht einen Zusammenhang zwischen Krebserkrankung und der Nutzung des glyphosathaltigen Unkrautvernichters von Monsanto. Der...

  10. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    Newsletter III 2024 January 14th to 20st *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Current news + background knowledge The PDF file "Nuclear Power Accidents" contains a number of other incidents from various areas of the nuclear industry. Some of the incidents were never released through official channels, so this information is only available to the public on...

  11. Newsletter II 2024 - January 7th to 13th - News+ SMR: US developers of mini-nuclear power plants under pressure - class action lawsuit by shareholders against NuScale Power

    will be able to go back into operation in a few weeks. After the accident, the operators assumed that Unit A would be put back into operation quickly... Nuclear power plantsPlag Gundremmingen A (Bavaria)... But then the TÜV discovered cracks in the pipes of the cooling circuit and demanded that parts of the reactor be replaced. This was too expensive for the companies, which is why they decided in 1980 to use Gundremmingen A for...

  12. Newsletter L 2023 - December 10th to 16th - News+ The tail wags the dog and those on the right lead us by the nose ring “Back to the Future”

    was not reported by the operator, but was discovered days later by the supervisory authority during an investigation into another defect at the nuclear power plant. During the subsequent investigation, TÜV Bayern found that an uncontrollable incident had only just been avoided and that there had been serious violations of safety regulations for years. The story of this accident that...

  13. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    Urbana-Champaign evaluated data from several field trials over the past 25 years in the USA and Canada. During this time, the manufacturer Monsanto, which now belongs to the German Bayer Group, established the glyphosate business under the brand name Roundup... * Guatemala defends itself against corruption and conspiracy in the military and judiciary Guatemala before the change of power: Justice...

  14. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger has clear ideas about where the federal government should make savings - he is unimpressed by the fact that the 60 billion hole cannot even begin to be filled. After the Karlsruhe budget ruling, Bavaria's Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger rejected savings in economic projects and called for cuts in citizens' benefits and in the area of ​​migration. "My...

  15. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    who have been touting megabasins as a way to reduce water extraction for years," they noted in a joint statement... * Glyphosate | Chemical industry | Monsanto Bayer sentenced to $1,5 billion in damages Tens of thousands of lawsuits are still open in the USA - now Bayer has suffered another defeat in a glyphosate trial. The group shows...

  16. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    were taken, as well as Tokai 2, which has not yet been put back into operation... Translation with https://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) * Glyphosate | Monsanto | Damages Bayer suffers third defeat in glyphosate trial in a row The weed killer glyphosate continues to cause great trouble for the Leverkusen-based chemical company Bayer. In the meantime,...

  17. Newsletter XLIII 2023 - October 22nd to 28th - News+ Municipal utilities are leaving the Future Gas lobby association

    have already been noticed in the past through criminal activities on the Internet. Among other things, they are said to have deliberately made false emergency calls in order to trigger police or fire brigade operations... * Bavaria's Kini Jödler and his anti-Semitic horror clown Causa Aiwanger: Anti-Semitism as a bonus point Leo Fischer on the special Bavarian way of coming to terms with history Since the last...

  18. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    a kind of draft program. At the federal press conference, Wagenknecht will give a "clear outlook" on the founding of the party for which the association is supposed to serve, as it is said... * Bavaria | Renewable | Wind power Renewable energies: State forests plan to build 500 wind turbines in Bavaria There are differences in the coalition when it comes to expanding wind power: CSU Forestry Minister Kaniber says...

  19. Newsletter XLI 2023 - October 8th to 14th - News+ India - Flood and destruction - the last generation is right

    The protest movement would relieve pressure on the government and restore national unity. Shortly before the attack, Netanyahu had assured that there was no threat from the Gaza Strip... * Bavaria | Baden-Württemberg | Wind power Expansion of wind power in southern Germany: Söder misses the energy transition The expansion of wind power is making progress. But it can't be that Bavaria and the green...

  20. Newsletter XL 2023 - October 1st to 7th - Current news + FDP proposal for industrial electricity price relief is spot on

    the raids against the Last Generation are an attack on civil society. But protest movements should reflect more closely on their work. Last week it became known that the Bavarian justice system not only searched Last Generation's apartments in May, but that Fridays for Future were also indirectly affected by the raids. We spoke to Luisa Neubauer about which...

Results 1 - 20 from 105