1. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    However, achieving the target of over 12.000 megawatts is significantly more than in the past five years, when an average of only 2.680 megawatts were awarded. For photovoltaics, the expansion target of 9.000 megawatts was already exceeded by 10.000 megawatts at the end of September. And that is before the improvements for balcony modules, roof systems or...

  2. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    Record: IWR expects more than 2023 million new solar systems in Germany in 1 Münster - The ongoing photovoltaic boom is leading to record growth in Germany this year. The federal government's expansion target of 9.000 MW as an interim target for the whole of 2023 has already been exceeded after eight months. In order to achieve the expansion target of 80 percent share of renewable energies in the electricity sector...

  3. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    be granted. The federal government is responsible for the approvals, but is lagging behind. There are already deficits in the previous step, the allocation of space for construction. The federal government’s expansion goals for wind energy are ambitious – a little too ambitious. According to the plan, around 2.000 systems are to be built nationwide every year. Last year there were only...

  4. Newsletter XXVIII 2023 - July 9-15 - News+ Bulgaria wants to sell Russian reactors to Ukraine

    Announced June 1, 2023. The contracts go to the British BP and the French Total Energies, two companies from the oil and gas industry. This development is no coincidence. The federal government estimates the expansion target for offshore wind power capacity in Germany for 2030 to be a total of 30 GW (30.000 MW). In the current round of tenders, the construction of new...

  5. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    Production block No. 1 had broken out,” it said. After arriving, the fire department quickly got the fire under control and declared it extinguished... * Wind energy | Expansion target | Repowering A new tailwind for wind energy Within two months, the traffic light government implemented the EU emergency regulation into German law. Wind power on land and at sea can now...

  6. Newsletter V 2023 - January 29 to February 4 - News+ Je suis mud monk

    for wind power and solar systems will accelerate significantly. That's good. But it is not clear whether the turbo that politicians are talking about will actually get going. Green Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck's ambitious expansion targets for renewables are still nothing more than a promise. What is certain is that wind and solar energy will not move as quickly as...

  7. Newsletter L 2022 - December 15th to 19th - News+ Criminalization of activists of the last generation

    promised than could be fulfilled. Because solar and wind energy are already unrivaled in price. The EnBW boss also commented in the Süddeutsche Zeitung: “The most important thing is to achieve our expansion goals for renewable energies quickly.” For climate policy reasons, for technical reasons and for price policy reasons, there is no way to achieve a rapid solar energy transition...

  8. Newsletter LII 2022 - December 26-31 - News+ Putin and Lavrov should have gone before the UN

    Two percent of the federal territory's actual developable area would have to be fully identified by 2025. Otherwise the federal government would not be able to achieve “the necessary expansion goals set out in parallel in the EEG” by 2030. Also higher solar subsidies At the same time, the regulatory authority has set the maximum bid values ​​for solar systems on roofs at 11,25 cents/kWh. The increase for...

  9. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    A joint statement by the energy ministers with the European Energy Commissioner yesterday (September 12.09.2022, 76) set expansion goals for the North Sea region of 2030 GW by 193, 2040 GW by 260 and 2050 GW by XNUMX as part of the North Sea Energy Cooperation (NSEC). XNUMX agreed... * Switzerland | Nuclear waste | Nördlich-Lägern Swiss nuclear waste repository on the German border The...

  10. Newsletter XIII 2022 - March 26-31 - News+ A month of war in Ukraine: developing a tragedy

    Billions: The new offshore value creation study shows that the standstill of the past few years has not been without impact. The industry is calling for a quick change of course in order to achieve the expansion goals. IMHO Have the economic experts also said something about “slowing down renewable energies”? * Duration | Nuclear lobby economics recommend extended...

  11. Newsletter LV - 01/07.12.2021/01 to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - News+ December XNUMX - How many of our greenhouse gas emissions are we attributing to China?

    The output of all power plants in the People's Republic was 2016% in 20,2. In total, there are several hundred hydroelectric power plants in China... The Chinese National Energy Agency recently increased its expansion targets by 30% and in 2015 Germany was the largest installer of photovoltaics both in total (21,3 GW) and per capita of the population of newly installed capacity (16,3 .XNUMX W) overhauled....

  12. Newsletter XII - March 17th to 24.03.2021th, 17 - News+ March XNUMXth - Urenco: Phasing out uranium enrichment in NRW would be 'political issue of the first order'

    and nuclear power? * March 19, 2021 - The "cursed" nuclear power plant construction site in Flamanville * March 19, 2021 - Krško nuclear power plant: Nuclear stress tests were not implemented for economic reasons * The expansion target for 2030 is already possible in 2021... March 19, 2021 - Japan continues to expand renewable energy * March 18, 2021 - Canadian government invests in SMR project Translate with...

Results 1 - 12 from 12