1. Newsletter XXXVIII 2022 - September 24th to 30th - News+ Fridays for Future calls for a special fund of 100 billion euros for climate protection

    Planet Energy calls for the dependencies to be disclosed – and their unbundling. The largest German nuclear lobby group, Kerntechnik Deutschland (KernD), is calling for longer nuclear power plant lifetimes and more nuclear power for Europe. This is actually not new. But during the gas crisis, the lobby association increasingly used the argument that nuclear power would create energy independence for Germany and free Europe from...

  2. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    The same will apply from 2023 for areas with 50 or more parking spaces... * France | EDF | Profit Profit forecast reduced Nuclear power plant crisis costs EDF billions The decline in French nuclear power production has been causing prices on the electricity exchanges to skyrocket for weeks. The operator EDF is now expecting further burdens and is once again cutting its profit forecast. The heavily indebted French...

  3. Newsletter XXXIV 2022 - August 22nd to 31st - News+ Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim 2: Hundreds of damage to pipes hidden

    KAZ August 30, 2003, submarine K-159, RUS * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nuclear-welt@reaktorpleite.de ** August 31st France | Nuclear power | Electricity price Nuclear power plant operators under high pressure France fears for its nuclear power In the midst of Europe's biggest energy crisis in decades, 30 percent of nuclear power plants in France are failing: maintenance...

  4. Newsletter XXXIII 2022 - August 14th to 21st - News+ Brainwashed? – Strategic communication!

    which visually resembles the FDP posters from the federal election campaign, these words are put into Lindner's mouth: #9EuroTicket: No money for public transport? They should drive a Porsche. * expensive nuclear power | Nuclear waste | “Coal or nuclear power” repository – a German ghost debate Not even the nuclear power plant operators want longer operating times. Money? Then it's better to make the complete switch straight away. A...

  5. Newsletter XXXI 2022 - August 01st to 06th - News+ Withdraw the nuclear weapons from Europe!

    Wind power and no power lines. All advantages, but no consequences - what Söder wants is basically the terrawatt legend, the squaring of the circuit. * fossil | Gas price: nuclear power instead of gas? It costs! For many combined heat and power plants, it is uneconomical to switch from gas to oil. In order for that to change, money is needed from the state - instead of a traffic light dispute...

  6. Newsletter XXIX 2022 - July 17th to 24th - News+ Government in the climate crisis

    Regain Congress. Cooperation with right-wing radicals in Europe and Orbán Hungary. What to do? (Part 2) **July 21st France | Record heat | EDF energy crisis: Uncertain times for France's nuclear power Every second nuclear power plant in the EU is in France. But only half of them currently supply electricity. The reasons are complex. Experts warn of bottlenecks in winter.... 29 of...

  7. Newsletter XXVIII 2022 - July 11 - 16 - News+ What's next for the protest, Lina Schinköthe?

    Deterrence. * Military | Environment | Climate killer Military also kills climate It's not just the war in Ukraine that weakens humanity's ability to survive * Taxonomy SES: EU cements dependency with gas and nuclear power The Parliament of the European Union decided in its plenary session with 328 votes to 278 and 33 abstentions to invest in Nuclear and gas electricity under certain...

  8. Newsletter XXVII 2022 - July 02nd to 10th - News+ Global security is only possible together!

    big fireworks... EU taxonomy finances nuclear weapons across the press statement from Dr. med. Angelika Claußen, Chairwoman of the IPPNW * Taxonomy European Parliament approves taxonomy Gas and nuclear power will in future be considered sustainable and climate-friendly in the EU. The MPs are thus supporting a proposal from the EU Commission. * This Saturday, July 9th, the...

  9. Newsletter XXVI 2022 - June 26th to July 01st - News+ Study: Renewable energies more reliable than nuclear energy

    increase: what was previously used to will soon become a luxury for the middle class. This is the new challenge. * Netherlands | New nuclear power plant First power plant in 50 years: Netherlands returns to nuclear power The cabinet will present its plans for two new nuclear power plants in the Netherlands this week. * Denmark | renewable energies Denmark wants to massively expand renewables by 2030...

  10. Newsletter XXIV 2022 - June 10th to 17th - News+ Majority for nuclear weapons? – Now the peace movement speaks

    1984 führten Schnee und Sturm zu einem Ausfall der Notstromversorgung. Am 3. Oktober 1987 verursachte auslaufendes Öl einem Brand im Turbinenraum und große Schäden... ** 12. Juni Atomlobby | Atomstrom Harte Debatte: Huber will Laufzeitverlängerung für AKWs "Wir steuern auf eine absolute Energielücke zu", meint CSU-Generalsekretär Martin Huber. Er fordert daher, die drei noch laufenden AKWs in...

  11. Newsletter XX 2022 - May 13th to 19th - News+ A flood of open letters and the day of freedom of the press

    Researchers are now initially testing what consequences it could have for the marine environment in mesocosms, test environments floating in the ocean. ** May 18 Russia | VVER | Ukraine | Zaporizhia | Nuclear power Kiev should pay for nuclear power Russia's deputy claims Zaporizhzhia The city of Zaporizhzhia is still under Ukrainian control, but Russia's deputy prime minister has already made plans for...

  12. Newsletter XIX 2022 - May 05th to 12th - News+ The economic consequences of the Ukraine war

    ein Öl-Embargo gegen Russland aus Sorge vor einer Mangelversorgung. IMHO Was bedeutet Energiekooperation? Öl für die Zustimmung zum Russland-Öl-Embargo sowie hier und da ein kleines bisschen Atomstrom? * Frankreich | Atomindustrie | EDF | Reaktorpanne | Strompreis Düstere Zukunft der Kernenergie "Atomkraft ist eine aussterbende Spezies" Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron verspricht...

  13. Newsletter XIV 2022 - April 01st to 07th - News+ Media: The truth and all the other victims

    French reactors are rotting: Electricity prices explode overnight Germany is groaning under the rising electricity prices - and some people are looking enviously at neighboring France, where nuclear power is still an important part of the generation strategies and the end customer electricity price is much lower than in Germany. But a look at the European electricity exchanges shows: The...

  14. Newsletter XII 2022 - March 19th to 25th - News+ Collateral damage to the climate?

    The second nuclear reactor built by South Korea has come online in the United Arab Emirates. * Nuclear lobby | Reaction to Putin's demand for the ruble FDP deputy Kubicki wants to rely on lignite and nuclear power Putin's demand to pay for gas deliveries in rubles makes it clear once again that Germany has to break away from Russian gas supplies, says FDP deputy Wolfgang Kubicki....

  15. Newsletter I 2022 - January 01st to 06th - News+ EU considers nuclear power plants to be climate-friendly

    Incident with a steam explosion and heavy release of radioactive material, in which the three members of the operating crew were killed... ** January 02nd A disaster for the climate According to the EU taxonomy, nuclear power and natural gas should be considered green energies. Germany also made sure of this. This will have an impact on the European Green Deal. * Climate Climate change: The cities...

  16. Newsletter LIX - December 27th to 31.12.2021st, 27 - News+ December 2021th, 3 - Billions for Angra XNUMX

    destroys the earth * Coal phase-out December 27th, 2021 - What the lignite security willingness costs us * Merzthutjanix "Don't always just get out" December 27th, 2021 - Merz flirts with nuclear power - IMHO Friedrich Merz is doing a good job, for BlackRock! *** Top of page News+ Background knowledge *** News+ December 27, 2021 ** Brazil Billions for Angra 3 Brazil: Third...

  17. Newsletter LIV - November 26th to 30.11.2021th, 26 - News+ November 30th - Solar world record: HZB tandem cell achieves almost XNUMX percent efficiency

    29. November 2021 - Spanisches Uranprojekt wird nicht genehmigt Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) * F. Dudenhöfer | Strategie | Energie 29. November 2021 - Brauchen wir Atomstrom für unsere Elektroautos? * Energiewende 29. November 2021 - Die Transformation des Energiesystems steht vor der Tür * Regionalkontakte 28. November 2021 - Ungebrochener Widerstand * Akw...

  18. Newsletter XLVII - October 13th to 20.10.2021th, 13 - News+ October XNUMXth - Radiant madness

    "Spiegel" reported from the same year that in the USA, in nuclear plants and government laboratories as well as in electrical and chemical companies, the conclusion was drawn from the experiences at the time that "nuclear power is not competitive" and must be subsidized by the state... ** Wikipedia Nuclear energy in France In September 2011, the top candidates of the (then) opposition...

  19. Newsletter XLVI - October 07th to 12.10.2021th, 07 - News+ October XNUMXth - Nuclear power in Germany: Cleared? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

    The nuclear phase-out is ongoing, the problem has been solved. Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that. There are still six large power reactors online in Germany, and the Federal Republic is - after France - the second largest producer of nuclear power and nuclear waste in the EU. Brokdorf, Grohnde and Gundremmingen are scheduled to be shut down at the end of the year, with Ohu, Emsland and Neckarwestheim expected to follow a year later...

  20. Newsletter XLII - September 15th to 19.09.2021th, 15 - News+ September XNUMXth - Climate crisis: The cost of inaction

    ** Searching reaktorpleite.de with the keywords: Renewable Solar Wind brought the following results, among others: May 13, 2019 - Renewables beat nuclear power ** YouTube channel "Reaktorpleite" Weltspiegel - 05:14 Energy transition in China: Suddenly a pioneer in climate protection? * Terra X Lesch & Co - 07:38 Without coal and nuclear power - will we run out of electricity? * HYPERRAUM.TV - 12:24 NOOR - the largest...

Results 41 - 60 from 84