1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    Tausenden Verletzungen, dauerhaften Behinderungen und zu zahlreichen Todesfällen geführt“, so Duchrow... 23. April Großbritannien | Atommüll | Endlager Drigg südlich von Sellafield Britisches Atommülllager soll gegen Umweltauflagen verstoßen haben Die britische Umweltbehörde (EA) hat sich schriftlich an das Endlager für schwachaktive Abfälle Drigg (LLWR) in Cumbria gewandt und ihre Besorgnis...

  2. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    will go offline in the foreseeable future. Global electricity generation from nuclear power plants will therefore hardly increase in the next few years... * Radioactivity | resistance | Nuclear facilities | Nuclear waste storage Anti-nuclear activist on resistance: “It was about the whole thing together” The BI Environmental Protection Lüchow-Dannenberg made Gorleben a synonym for the fight against nuclear power. Wolfgang Ehmke knows these 50...

  3. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    Probably a new transport study for the planned nuclear waste storage facility in Beverungen-Würgassen The BI Atomfreis-3-Ländeeck reports that a new feasibility study with a focus on logistics for the planned nuclear waste storage facility in Würgassen has been advertised. The opponents noticed a few things. Due to the massive criticism of the planned Konrad logistics center (LoK) in Würgassen, the...

  4. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    aggressive disinformation campaigns, we need scientific facts and clear information to bring calm back into the debate... * Salzgitter | Konrad shaft | Nuclear waste storage Longer construction period Nuclear waste storage in Salzgitter will probably cost more Low and medium radioactive waste will soon be stored in the Konrad shaft. But after a delay in the schedule, the project...

  5. Newsletter XXXII 2023 - August 6th to 12th - News+ Hiroshima - The asphalt will burn. Chaos will reign

    and introduce more centrifuges. It is probably also about the planned commissioning of the uranium oxide storage hall for almost 60 t of uranium oxide as nuclear waste - a new nuclear waste storage facility for North Rhine-Westphalia! The invitation talks about “global developments” and “changed strategic framework conditions” - so the management is opening the big barrel. Next week...

  6. Reactor failure THTR - problems

    the glorious rise of a noble bearer of hope, but only the entry into the nuclear industry through the back door, for example under the name 'Transmutation'. * Intermediate storage, final storage? Nuclear waste storage facility! Whether we call it a nuclear waste repository or an interim nuclear waste storage facility, the nuclear waste, just like our health, probably doesn't really care. - Dumping nuclear waste into the sea has been a thing since 1994...

  7. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    It is said to reduce the CO2 footprint by 93 percent compared to conventional mortar - and at the same time be cheaper and more robust... * Nuclear waste | Final repository | Schacht Konrad Plan for nuclear waste storage Delayed by another 17 years The location for the storage of low- and medium-level radioactive nuclear waste is still open. There is hardly any space in the Konrad shaft. GÖTTINGEN taz | The search for a...

  8. Newsletter XV 2023 - April 9th ​​to 15th - News+ Traffic light climate, Switzerland as a role model and the better alternative to e-fuels

    shied away from the economic risk of expensive retrofitting. “There is no sign of the promised green meadow here,” says Arno Schelle. “Instead they want to build a gigantic nuclear waste storage facility here.” [...] And now? After the final shutdown of the last nuclear power plants on April 15th, is there still a need for movement? Yes, of course, says Wolfgang Ehmke. The remaining initiatives on site would...

  9. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    because it didn't turn off automatically. In April 2013, a reactor had to be shut down "after hydrogen leaked out to cool down a generator." *** February 28 Nuclear waste storage facility | Rust cracks | Brunsbüttel Rust spots discovered in solid waste storage At the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant, corrosion spots were found on press drums with radioactive waste during inspections....

  10. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, destroyed country. And many people across Europe are also afraid of the war expanding. They fear for their future and the future of their children... * Asse II nuclear waste storage facility | Final repository | Intermediate nuclear waste storage facility is flooding: Problems are piling up in the Asse The nuclear waste in the Asse needs to be removed. And then come to an interim storage facility. Where should...

  11. Newsletter IV 2023 - January 22nd to 28th - News+ How the FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann plays down her proximity to the armaments lobby

    of the United States, announced that they are jointly developing a thermal nuclear drive that is intended to revolutionize space travel and especially deep space missions... * Asse Remlingen nuclear waste storage facility: Five million liters of water entered Asse II in 2022, according to the Federal Society for Final storage of around five million liters of salt water in the dilapidated Asse II nuclear waste storage facility in...

  12. Newsletter LI 2022 - December 20th to 25th - News+ One UN for all

    truth content and compare them with facts. This will give you the tools you need to provide fact-based counterarguments in the next discussion... *** December 22nd Citizens' Dialogue | Asse nuclear waste storage facility Accompanying process to the Asse nuclear waste storage facility completed After a long crisis, the critical support process to the Asse nuclear waste storage facility in Lower Saxony has ended for the time being. “It has been shown that this...

  13. Newsletter XLVIII 2022 - December 01st to 07th - News+ The New York Times and the new climate deniers

    experienced afterwards. The fight against nuclear power plants is important, but other climate issues concern me more. Mr. Fasnacht, why is it that young, politically active people no longer demonstrate against nuclear waste storage facilities? Jean-Jacques Fasnacht: Difficult to say. The fact is that the anti-nuclear movement is outdated and we have lost touch with the young... * China | SMR | Linglong One...

  14. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    prohibited; the return transport of the radioactive waste generated during reprocessing from the reprocessing plants to Germany for interim storage (for example to the Ahaus nuclear waste storage facility or to the Gorleben nuclear waste storage facility); these will continue to be carried out in accordance with the obligations under nuclear law; Transports with low and medium level waste to...

  15. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    Existing and planned facilities are also likely for this reason. [...] Near Lingen, the Emsland nuclear power plant is one of the three nuclear power plants still in operation. In contrast to the nuclear waste storage facilities, where consensus prevails, at least between the major parties in Lower Saxony, there are differences here. While the CDU and the currently opposition FDP demand that the term...

  16. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    Just don't be mistaken and people might prefer to choose the original from the far right. So what? Then the CDU/CSU becomes the junior partner... * Switzerland | Nuclear waste | Nördlich-Lägern nuclear waste storage facility in Switzerland: Pretty close Switzerland wants to store its nuclear waste in the immediate vicinity of the German border. A few years ago the area was classified as unsuitable. The...

  17. Newsletter XVII 2022 - April 22-27 - News+ How Russia has Europe's nuclear energy in its pockets

    Sell ​​CO2 emission certificates. However, their climate protection effect is zero. What profiteering to the detriment of the climate! * Würgassen 700 people demonstrate against nuclear waste storage An estimated 700 people demonstrated on Saturday in Beverungen against the planned logistics center for low- and medium-level radioactive waste in Würgassen. They made banners...

  18. Newsletter XV 2022 - April 08th to 14th - News+ Russian gas and the German energy transition: perspective yellow vests

    made in Wikipedia. The authors remain anonymous. Some edits are strange. And 19 computer addresses particularly stand out. * France | Nuclear waste | Bure dispute over planned nuclear waste storage facility: Who guarantees safety? France relies on nuclear power. But how and where the nuclear waste can be disposed of remains unclear. The final storage facility in Bure is controversial. * Cyber ​​secret operation by the USA...

  19. Newsletter XI 2022 - March 12th to 18th - News+ Poisoned Bravery

    (AKU) Gronau emphasized in a press release on Sunday that the catastrophe in Fukushima and its ongoing consequences must not be forgotten * Nuclear waste | Croatia Dispute over nuclear waste storage in Croatia: Fear in the valley of the Una River Plans for a nuclear waste storage facility are being made by the neighbors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now the government wants to complain to the EU Commission. * Ready for...

  20. Newsletter V - 27.01. - 01.02.2021/27/XNUMX - News+ January XNUMXth - Crediting in the EU budget: Fusion costs nice climate balance

    *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Current News+ background knowledge *** February 01st, 2021 - The complexity of the power supply is increasing * February 01st, 2021 - Asse nuclear waste storage facility: BGE starts test drilling * February 01, 2021 - China is starting the nuclear age - with an old idea from Siemens * January 31, 2021 - A bitter setback for the nuclear lobby: Nuclear power plants are over...

Results 1 - 20 from 34