1. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    gerechnet“ werden müsse. Zuckermann sei wegen seiner Position zu Israel „stark umstritten“, habe einmal auf einer BDS-Veranstaltung gesprochen und würde behaupten, dass in Israel „grundsätzlich Apartheid gegenüber Nichtjuden“ herrsche. Das müsse nach der von Deutschland übernommenen Definition des IHRA als „antisemitisch gewertet“ werden. Zuckermann: „Ich bin der Sohn von Holocaustüberlebenden,...

  2. Newsletter XLIII 2023 - October 22nd to 28th - News+ Municipal utilities are leaving the Future Gas lobby association

    "The climate protection movement Fridays for Future criticizes Israel and the Western media heavily on its international Instagram account. On Instagram there is talk of an "apartheid system" that the Israeli government has allegedly set up against the Palestinians. "This is not a conflict. This is a genocide," it continues. The climate protection movement denounces...

  3. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    Podemos in a video statement. [...] "The United States and the European Union do not look away or remain neutral, but support the State of Israel in its apartheid and occupation policies, which constitute a serious violation of human rights," said Belarra. "Hamas used as a pretext for the murder of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 142 December 2013

    “The last thing: FZ Jülich helped the apartheid state of South Africa gain nuclear know-how! Moormann and Streich write: “Incidentally, Jülich/Aachen were involved in the South African apartheid government's nuclear weapons program as follows: The South Africans...

  5. THTR Circular No. 125 February 09

    fully underway. Companies from the Ruhr area are helping. South Africa has been considered an extremely unsafe area, not just since the gangster attack in the middle of the control room of the Pelindaba nuclear center, where the five atomic bombs from the old apartheid regime are still stored. South Africa repeatedly emphasizes that it wants to adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and work constructively with the International...

  6. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    The nuclear power plant in Koeberg was part of the "basic program", which was supplemented by ESKOM cocktail parties and "follow-up trips" to wildlife sanctuaries or the Naguib desert. The German anti-apartheid groups stormed against this obvious collaboration and even the SPD spokeswoman for the Socialist Group in the European Parliament Barbara Simonis declared on September 7, 9: "With the...

  7. THTR Circular No. 88 February 04

    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 *** THTR Newsletter No. 88 February 2004 The nuclear lobby strikes back: HTRs in operation in China and Japan! EU funds for HTR further development! Neither apartheid in South Africa nor the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing in 1989 prevented the nuclear industry and its beneficiaries from lobbying intensively to...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 99 April / May 05

    and sources of supply for the construction of uranium centrifuges. Khan, who was married to a South African woman, later worked with German and Swiss engineers who were working on the regime's nuclear weapons program during the apartheid era. South Africa: German nuclear expert worked with Islamist network! Top of page In a sensational trial in Cape Town...

  9. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    make? And about the numerous raids on ammunition depots by the police and army (2)? Exploitation. Unemployment is officially at 28%, independent institutes put it at 42% (3). Apartheid left the country with millions of unqualified black workers. The former ANC Liberation Front has been in government since 1994. She launched the Black Economic Empowerment program...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    They can be acquired by extremist groups. The IAOE's much-touted phrase of zero tolerance for additional nuclear weapons outside the existing nuclear club ("nuclear apartheid") requires zero tolerance for civilian nuclear power as a prerequisite. IAEA: Global pioneer for high-temperature reactors In the nuclear industry's efforts to...

Results 1 - 10 from 10