1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    geraten seien die so genannten Menschenrechtsverteidiger:innen, etwa Gewerkschafter*innen, Um­welt­ak­ti­vis­t*in­nen und indigene Gruppen. Viele Regierungen hätten 2023 die Meinungs- oder Versammlungsfreiheit eingeschränkt, Gewalt gegen Protestierende, etwa durch Waffen und Munition wie Gummigeschossen oder Blendgranaten habe „weltweit zu Tausenden Verletzungen, dauerhaften Behinderungen und zu...

  2. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    auch gegen EU-Bürger verhängt werden. [...] Amnesty Deutschland fordert eine unabhängige Untersuchung zum Vorgehen der Polizei gegen den „Palästina-Kongress“ in Berlin. Die Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit gelte „für alle Menschen, auch wenn sie die deutsche und israelische Regierungspolitik kritisieren“. Die Grenze werde „durch strafbare Handlungen und nicht durch politisch unliebsame...

  3. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    So it's not all that bad? Not at all. In Biberach and Schorndorf, in Magdeburg and at the harbor in Schlüttsiel, it was not about a somewhat more robust protest. It was about the right to freedom of assembly and physical integrity. And if, as recently happened in Thuringia, a minibus carrying journalists is prevented from meeting the Green Economics Minister during a factory visit...

  4. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    MAN are in demand all over the world, including New Zealand and the USA. But so far no project has materialized in Germany. You could need them right now... * Human rights | Freedom of assembly | Preventive detention According to the report, Germany restricts freedom of assembly In a digital world map, Amnesty International includes the Federal Republic for the first time among the countries that...

  5. Newsletter XI 2022 - March 12th to 18th - News+ Poisoned Bravery

    of Paypal and still a board member of Facebook's parent company Meta. Forbes estimates his fortune at $2,6 billion. - IMHO Peter T. doesn't mean freedom of violence, freedom of the press or freedom of assembly, he means freedom for pocket fillers, great statesmen and horror clowns On his own behalf: reactorpleite.de is getting traffic from Russia again. On March 6th I discovered that...

  6. Newsletter XV - April 06th to 12.04.2021th, 06 - News+ April 2021th - German environmental aid fights against greenwashing: Now nominate the "boldest environmental lie" for the abusive Goldener Geier XNUMX award

    Protest alliance founded +++ Protest alliance heralds resistance against the planned NRW assembly law +++ Alliance warns: The draft law is an attack on the fundamental right of freedom of assembly +++ Various protest actions planned online and offline A broad civil society alliance is being formed in North Rhine-Westphalia against the planned assembly law at the state level. The...

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