1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    hat keine Zukunft, doch es fehlt an Aufklärung dazu. Sonst würde sich die Nachfrage schon jetzt stärker ändern. Die Autoindustrie macht dafür vor allem die Politik verantwortlich: zu wenige Ladesäulen, gekappte Förderung, verspätete Batterieentwicklung. Aber ist sie nicht auch selbst mit schuld? Es gibt diverse Lobbygruppen, die dem Verbrenner weiter anhängen. Die mächtigste ist die Ölindustrie,...

  2. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    of 80.000. According to police information, more than 10.000 people took to the streets in Münster, 13.000 in Bochum, around 4.000 in Kiel and 3.000 in Jena... * Photovoltaic systems | network operator | Charging stations Solar roofs and charging stations Retail complains about long waiting times Retail in Germany complains about long waiting times when connecting photovoltaic systems and charging stations and calls for...

  3. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    already over a million. However, according to surveys, over 70 percent of drivers want to continue driving a combustion engine - mainly because of the lack of range of electric vehicles and a lack of charging stations. A new battery from the Chinese manufacturer CATL could now become a so-called game changer if the announced performance data proves to be true in practice: This would...

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