1. Newsletter XXXVIII 2022 - September 24th to 30th - News+ Fridays for Future calls for a special fund of 100 billion euros for climate protection

    to save money and filled too much uranium into a preparation tank (16,6 kg instead of 2,3 kg). Two people died and 1.200 were injured. Nuclear Power Accidents.pdf - Nuclear Power PlantsPlag Tokaimura, Japan On September 30, 1999, the worst nuclear accident in Japan up to that time occurred at the Tokaimura fuel element factory in Japan. Two workers who were not informed by the operator JCO...

  2. Newsletter XXXV 2022 - September 01st to 08th - News+ No nuclear power plant runtime extensions!

    would have to run longer.... Merz's own party, the CDU, had decided to phase out nuclear power under then-Chancellor Angela Merkel. The background was the disaster at the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima in 2011... * Agriculture | Cereals | Nature conservation Grain harvests – better than expected The farmers' association complains about enormous harvest losses. If you look closely,...

  3. Newsletter XXXIV 2022 - August 22nd to 31st - News+ Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim 2: Hundreds of damage to pipes hidden

    slowly or does the local population continue to rely on "nuclear power, no, thanks!" firmly? The online market research institute Marketagent investigated this question in a recent study. *Japan | Duration | Generation IV Japan is reportedly considering building new nuclear power plants. The lifespan of existing power plants will also be extended to over 60 years. It is a departure from the...

  4. Newsletter XXXIII 2022 - August 14th to 21st - News+ Brainwashed? – Strategic communication!

    fossil resources will be phased out. In plain language: He simply wants us to finally return to nuclear energy. Other “experts” think we should take China as a model, as well as Japan, Egypt and Turkey. Interestingly, Russia is not at the top of the list of exemplary countries, although Putin has nuclear power plants not only in Russia, but also nuclear power plants in the...

  5. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    since 1945 Echo II class nuclear submarine. Steam explosion in one of the reactors during filling with new fuel elements in Pavlovsky Bay near Vladivostok... ** August 09th Japan | Emergency system | down Cause still unclear Emergency system at Japanese nuclear power plant Hamoaka down According to the Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA), data transmission from the...

  6. Newsletter XXXI 2022 - August 01st to 06th - News+ Withdraw the nuclear weapons from Europe!

    Weapon” The flash of the atomic bomb turned Hiroshima into an inferno. 77 years after the first atomic bomb was dropped in a war, the nuclear threat is increasing again. * United States | Japan | Atomic bombs "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" - the trivialized terror of nuclear war In commemoration of the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US Air Force...

  7. Newsletter XXIX 2022 - July 17th to 24th - News+ Government in the climate crisis

    "Based on the information provided by the authorities, the incident should be classified at least as a 'serious incident' at level 3, if not as an 'accident' at level 4."... ** July 22 China | Japan | contaminated water China rejects Japan's decision to dump water contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea China is seriously concerned about the unilateral...

  8. Newsletter XXVIII 2022 - July 11 - 16 - News+ What's next for the protest, Lina Schinköthe?

    | Doel Tihange Dispute over nuclear power Belgium takes two nuclear reactors offline Against the wishes of politicians, the operator will shut down the two reactors as planned due to safety concerns. *Japan | Kishida energy crisis: Japan wants to bring up to nine nuclear reactors online Japan's prime minister has called for up to nine nuclear reactors to be put into operation by winter. This should...

  9. Newsletter XXIV 2022 - June 10th to 17th - News+ Majority for nuclear weapons? – Now the peace movement speaks

    Klass.?) Forsmark, SWE 30. Juni 1983 (INES ? Klass.?) Embalse, ARG * Wir suchen aktuelle Informationen. Wer helfen kann, sende bitte eine Nachricht an: nukleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de *** 17. Juni Japan | Gericht | Fukushima | Schadenersatz Fukushima: Kein Schadenersatz vom japanischen Staat Japans höchstes Gericht hat geurteilt: Die Opfer der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima können nicht den Staat...

  10. INES! What's happening?

    List of military nuclear accidents List of civilian nuclear accidents 'Nothing at all' Information about Gundremmingen. Der Spiegel: When will the next nuclear power plant blow up? - July 08.07.2016th, 2011 The nuclear state - Japan in May 17 A cold shiver runs down my spine - Spiegel 1987/1986 The THTR accident in "Spiegel" - Germany in June 1975 Information about Gundremmingen - Germany in November XNUMX Los Alamos -. ..

  11. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    to prepare for an extension of the operating life of the last Bavarian nuclear power plant has passed. Were the state government's warnings about electricity shortages just window dressing? ** June 01 Japan | Security Another setback for the Japanese government Tomari nuclear power plant in Hokkaido is not allowed to go back online The district court in Sapporo has decided that the nuclear power plant...

  12. Newsletter XXII 2022 - May 27th to 31st - News+ The nuclear lobby is stepping on the gas again

    to use. Now the US military has announced that it wants to send various systems for nuclear propulsion and power plants into orbit around our planet by 2027 at the latest. *Japan | Fukushima | Earthquake | Safety Earthquake safety no longer exists Reactor No. 1 of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima will not survive another earthquake According to experts, reactor No. 1 will survive...

  13. Newsletter XVIII 2022 - April 28th to May 04th - News+ wind vanes and pocket fillers in tireless use

    and climate newsreel: Colombia as a new partner? The federal government has little objection to the energy industry's extra profits and wants to get rid of annoying civil rights * Freedom of the press | Japan | patriotic | Fukushima problems grow Japan slips in press freedom rankings According to Reporters Without Borders' press freedom rankings, Japan has...

  14. Newsletter XVI 2022 - April 15-21 - News+ Ukraine: When consumers want to avoid war

    How the nuclear threat has increased The danger of a nuclear confrontation has not only become more concrete since the Russian attack on Ukraine. A debate about this is pending * Japan | The amount of nuclear waste continues to grow. Several tons of nuclear waste are waiting to be disposed of in Japan. Japan's nuclear power plants store more than 57.000 tons of nuclear waste that need to be disposed of. The...

  15. Newsletter XV 2022 - April 08th to 14th - News+ Russian gas and the German energy transition: perspective yellow vests

    Isar 2 is not an option for the operator Eon. The head of the energy company has rejected a request from the Bavarian state government. Nuclear power has no future in Germany. *Japan | Power grid | Renewable | Blackout Japan's electricity suppliers stop feeding renewable energy into the power grid Japan's electricity suppliers are trying to combat power outages. A...

  16. Newsletter XIV 2022 - April 01st to 07th - News+ Media: The truth and all the other victims

    Destroying Russia's economy with sanctions and isolation, why is Europe in economic free fall instead? - IMHO Europe between hammer and anvil... * Japan Quick restart not possible at all Proponents of nuclear power in Japan fail to recognize the risks The number of proponents of nuclear power in Japan is growing and the demand for a restart...

  17. Newsletter XIII 2022 - March 26-31 - News+ A month of war in Ukraine: developing a tragedy

    became? That sounds really strange, like "The world is looking for a disaster." Winner, the USSR, which earned first prize for the most terrible disaster. The second winner is Japan for the most attractive disaster of all time. Also hardly mentioned is the USA with a rather below-average performance... But that's exactly the point; in Fukushima there was...

  18. Newsletter XI 2022 - March 12th to 18th - News+ Poisoned Bravery

    In France in particular, people should be happy about this decision - but of course nuclear power also has its price. Videos from Al Jazeera on the topic: The Curse of Uranium - Part 1 | Part 2 * Japan | Earthquake Earthquake triggers breakdown in Fukushima nuclear ruins - After the strong earthquake off the coast of Japan, a breakdown occurred in the decommissioned Fukushima nuclear power plant. - Initial information...

  19. Newsletter X 2022 - March 07th to 11th - News+ Will the world end sooner than capitalism?

    eingetreten ist. Die Folgen der Reaktorkatastrophe in Fukushima, die vor 11 Jahren stattfand, beschäftigen uns auch heute noch. 1,3 Millionen Tonnen hochradioaktives Kühlwasser will die japanische Regierung nächstes Jahr ungefiltert in das Meer einleiten. Das ist unverantwortlich! Wir haben immer davor gewarnt, dass Atomkraftwerke bei kriegerischen Konflikten ein riesige Gefahr darstellen. Jetzt...

  20. Newsletter IX 2022 - February 28th to March 06th - News+ Farewell to Russian gas – who wins, who loses

    the delegates for difficult times. The economy is expected to grow by 5,5 percent this year - the lowest target in 30 years. But there is significantly more money for the military. ** March 04th Japan Solar power for over 500.000 households Japanese government is considering installing solar cells and wind generators along railway tracks Japan wants to increase the production of...