1. Newsletter

    tun wolle, sagt Habibi-Kohlen. Sie warnt vor zu viel Alarmismus: "Das eröffnet bei Menschen so wenig Spielraum für die Vorstellungskraft. Dann sagt doch jeder: 'Ja, was soll ich da machen?'". Aktivismus trotz Aussichtslosigkeit Von Resignation sei aber im "Klima-Kollaps-Café" keine Spur, behauptet Gründer Prinz. Es löse in der Gruppe keinen Fatalismus aus, zu wissen, dass es nichts mehr zu...

  2. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    All over the world, everyone has the same problem: With every processing step, more and more extremely toxic and highly radioactive waste is created... September 25th Climate protection | Climate crisis | Activism ZDF meteorologist on weather and climate “The compulsion will definitely come: When we run out of water and food” Özden Terli is known as a weather presenter on ZDF. The meteorologist...

  3. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    Paranoia and wild exaggerations give pause for thought, but the message was clear: to launch a harsh class war and put an end to the "troubled times," a standard term for 1960s activism that greatly civilized society. Like Powell, the Trilateralists were concerned about the "troubled times." The crisis of democracy was that...

  4. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    and took part - first with a camera as a photographer, later she picked up superglue herself and used it to stop cars. For Trommer, it is now part of her activism that she experiences violence. People drag her across the street, tugging at her stuck hand and pushing her along with the hood of the car. When the wall of cars and trucks in front of her...

  5. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    is which side wins. Today it's about the survival of humanity. Only a green revolution can stop the climate catastrophe (Part 2) In this interview, Noam Chomsky talks about activism and the urgency of a transition to a sustainable future. Chomsky is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at MIT and currently a professor at the University of Arizona. He has around...

  6. Newsletter XVI 2022 - April 15-21 - News+ Ukraine: When consumers want to avoid war

    not even to criticize. * Easter March | Peace | MIK This is how the peace movement ended up in the NATO impasse From "Nine Eleven" to the Arab Spring. A look at the transformations of anti-military and anti-war activism (Part 2 and Conclusion) * Ukraine | Chernobyl After a month of interruption: communication between Chernobyl and Kiev restored According to reports from...

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