1. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    hatten. Der Kraftwerksbetreiber Uniper trage damit „maßgeblich dazu bei, dass sich der Planet so extrem aufheizt, dass ganze Regionen von Überflutungen, Dürren oder Bränden verwüstet und unbewohnbar werden“, erklärte Fink. Uniper erziele dabei „Übergewinne in Milliardenhöhe“. Nach Putins Überfall auf die Ukraine war der Energiekonzern als einer der Hauptimporteure von russischem Gas in eine...

  2. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    explodierte. "In die Atmosphäre geschleuderte radioaktive Partikel kontaminierten ein Gebiet von über 120 Quadratkilometern. Zahlreiche Dörfer mussten evakuiert werden, sie sind dauerhaft unbewohnbar. Noch heute leiden die Menschen in der Region an den Folgen. Viele zeigen dieselben Symptome wie die Opfer von Tschernobyl und Majak: Krebs, Blutkrankheiten, Schädigung des Erbguts." "Entsorgung"...

  3. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    Sympathisanten und Mitläufer des Stalinismus, denen es nicht autoritär genug in einer Gesellschaft zugehen kann –, aufgestockt wurde, wächst auf diese Weise Nachschub aus einer Mitte, die unbewohnbar geworden ist für Bürger, die sich nicht länger wie dumme Schüler disziplinieren lassen und die vor allem gefragt werden wollen, ob sie mit dieser Sprachregelung oder jenem Migrantenkontingent...

  4. Newsletter L 2023 - December 10th to 16th - News+ The tail wags the dog and those on the right lead us by the nose ring “Back to the Future”

    Israel | Netanyahu | Hostages Moshe Zuckermann: “We expect an economic catastrophe in Israel” In conversation about the economic consequences of the war that is turning the Gaza Strip into an uninhabitable lunar landscape, the goals of the Israeli government and a possible confrontation between Israel and the USA. Florian Rötzer: After the ceasefire, the war in the Gaza Strip continues unabated...

  5. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    Climate consequences. The prospects are, at least in the long term, really bleak: If the Greenland ice sheet melts completely, many of the megacities near the coast such as New York, London or Shanghai would become uninhabitable. A collapse of the Gulf Stream, Europe's "central heating system", which ensures the relatively mild climate on our continent, would also be possible. But new research shows that...

  6. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    times, but hopefully at the much-vaunted two-degree target. If everyone made enough effort, the green transition could still be achieved before the planet becomes largely uninhabitable. But what if that's not true? When in reality control over the unleashed force of nature has long since slipped away? Last week the fire came to Hawaii. The green,...

  7. 1980 to 1989 - INES, NAMS and other events

    Die Kernschmelze von Tschernobyl im April 1986 stellt den mit Abstand größten Unfall in der Geschichte der zivilen Atomwirtschaft dar. Ganze Landstriche wurden verseucht und für Generationen unbewohnbar gemacht. Der radioaktive Niederschlag führte zu Zehntausenden von Krebserkrankungen, Todesfällen, Fehlgeburten und Missbildungen – nicht nur in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Hintergrund Der erste...

  8. 1990 to 1999 - INES, NAMS and other events

    explodierte. "In die Atmosphäre geschleuderte radioaktive Partikel kontaminierten ein Gebiet von über 120 Quadratkilometern. Zahlreiche Dörfer mussten evakuiert werden, sie sind dauerhaft unbewohnbar. Noch heute leiden die Menschen in der Region an den Folgen. Viele zeigen dieselben Symptome wie die Opfer von Tschernobyl und Majak: Krebs, Blutkrankheiten, Schädigung des Erbguts." "Entsorgung"...

  9. Newsletter XIX 2023 - May 7-13 - News+ Is the West turning Ukraine into a nuclear battlefield?

    protects against attacks, all other considerations should take second place. One Chernobyl in Europe was enough. Operating nuclear power plants always involves a so-called residual risk that can make entire regions uninhabitable. Even its supporters admit this. That alone disqualifies nuclear power as a climate protector. Operating nuclear power plants in a war zone increases...

  10. Newsletter XIV 2023 - April 2-8 - News+ Wars and School Massacres: The Cancer of Dehumanization

    exploded. "Radioactive particles thrown into the atmosphere contaminated an area of ​​over 120 square kilometers. Numerous villages had to be evacuated and are permanently uninhabitable. People in the region are still suffering from the consequences today. Many show the same symptoms as the victims of Chernobyl and Mayak: Cancer, blood diseases, genetic damage."... *** 5....

  11. Newsletter XL 2022 - October 09th to 15th - News+ In the hyperloop of excitement

    enough and recommends introducing a solar roof requirement in the EU from the end of 2024 and on a staggered basis on as many building types and parking spaces as possible... * Saudi Arabia | Climate change | uninhabitable Climate change: Will Saudi Arabia soon become uninhabitable? Saudi Arabia, which will host the Asian Winter Games in 2029, could become completely uninhabitable by 2100 due to global warming...

  12. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    see nature saying "enough": extreme heat, huge floods, devastating droughts and severe water crises, large regions of the earth approaching the point of soon being uninhabitable... * Brazil | release | Cesium September 13, 1987 (INES 5) Goiânia Goiás, BRA - Nuclear Power PlantsPlag Goiania, Brazil 1987 In the fall of 1987, just a year after Chernobyl,...

  13. Newsletter IX 2022 - February 28th to March 06th - News+ Farewell to Russian gas – who wins, who loses

    Is electricity from natural gas sustainable? ** YouTube channel - reactor bankruptcy politikatur - 5:47 Natural gas via fracking - dangerous process * Weltspiegel - 07:16 Natural gas production makes houses uninhabitable * Arte - 56:55 Our friend, the atom - by Kenichi Watanabe Playlist - Radioactivity worldwide. .. This playlist contains over 150 videos on the topic ** Ecosia This search engine plants trees!...

  14. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    6 and INES 7). The best-known examples of disasters are the Fukushima (2011) and Chernobyl (1986) disasters. In some cases, the site and its surroundings became uninhabitable for a long time, for example the town of Pripyat, four kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Measures for the event of exceeding design accidents are listed in the emergency manual of the respective...

  15. Newsletter XVIII - April 20th to 24.04.2021th, 20 - News+ April XNUMXth - Expert predicts further nuclear catastrophe like in Fukushima

    6 and INES 7). The best-known examples of disasters are the Fukushima (2011) and Chernobyl (1986) disasters. In some cases, the site and its surroundings became uninhabitable for a long time, for example the town of Pripyat, four kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Measures for the event of exceeding design accidents are listed in the emergency manual of the respective...

  16. 17.03.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX - Deadly dust - use of uranium ammunition and the consequences

    to also call for a ban on the use of uranium weapons in our parliament. Because no power in this world has the right to make entire regions uninhabitable in their autocratically chosen theaters of war and to poison and kill people long after the hostilities have ended. Because according to the Hague and Geneva Conventions, this is a war crime. In the reasons for the judgment...

Results 1 - 16 from 16