1. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    Entwicklung der Strompreise in Deutschland. Darin wird die Preisentwicklung für Haushaltskunden sowie das Preisniveau für Industriekunden dargestellt und die enthaltenen Steuern, Abgaben und Umlagen detailliert beschrieben. Die dargestellten Preise bilden den Durchschnitt der verfügbaren Tarife für Strom für den jeweiligen Zeitraum ab. Zudem liefert die Analyse zahlreiche Zusatzinformationen zu...

  2. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) has also presented an alternative proposal to the industrial electricity price... The DIHK proposal stipulates that the state should initially "take over taxes, levies and fees as completely as possible" or "reduce them as much as possible". . If there were still cases of hardship left, there would have to be additional measures. Companies and households could...

  3. Newsletter XXXIV 2022 - August 22nd to 31st - News+ Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim 2: Hundreds of damage to pipes hidden

    of agriculture. The subject will be addressed to the district council's technical committee at the beginning of September. Rural people and BUND are demanding that evidence be preserved. * Expansion | Renewable | Repowering Absurd gas levy, senseless tenders and free repowering The solar boom is a long time coming - because of unsafe space, bottlenecks, inflation, bureaucracy and more, complains Matthias Willenbacher,...

  4. Newsletter XXVI 2022 - June 26th to July 01st - News+ Study: Renewable energies more reliable than nuclear energy

    or with nuclear fission - and directing the steam through a turbine. The efficiency is ultimately limited here, as a large part of the heat is ultimately given off to the environment. * levy | Electricity price EEG surcharge has been completely eliminated as of today The EEG surcharge in the electricity price will be completely eliminated as of today (July 01.07.2022, 3,72). Most recently, the EEG levy was XNUMX cents per kilowatt hour. With the...

  5. Newsletter IX 2022 - February 28th to March 06th - News+ Farewell to Russian gas – who wins, who loses

    Provide euros for the country's climate-friendly transformation. These should be used, for example, for electric charging stations, hydrogen production or the reduction of electricity prices by abolishing the levy for renewable energies... * MiK | Whatever the case, the pacifists are always to blame... More than "Gaz off": The climate movement and the war in Ukraine Reasons for...

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