1. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    gerade mal den Wegfall alter Reaktoren ersetzen. Die globale Erzeugung von Atomstrom liegt deswegen nach wie vor etwa auf dem gleichen Niveau wie schon vor 20 Jahren. Da zugleich der Stromverbrauch weltweit gestiegen ist, sank der Anteil der Atomkraft am internationalen Strommix kontinuierlich. Im Jahr 2022 lag er nur noch bei 9,2 Prozent, dem niedrigsten Wert seit 40 Jahren. Photovoltaik und...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    Die Gründe für die Bilanz sind vielfältig. Rein summarisch wurden die weggefallenen Kilowattstunden komplett durch den Zubau an Erneuerbaren kompensiert. Aber auch ein leicht reduzierter Stromverbrauch aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Lage in der Industrie und ein extrem milder Winter drückten den Bedarf an Kohle. Die Stabilität der Stromversorgung war – auch das hatten Kritiker infrage gestellt –...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    | WNISR 21. Dezember 2023 - Plan für neue 1000 AKW bis 2050? Kernkraft-Fantasie scheitert an desolater Industrie 29. September 2023 - Erneuerbare Energien decken mehr als Hälfte des Stromverbrauchs 3. Juli 2023 - Quaschning erklärt: Strompreiszonen 21. April 2023 - Atomkraft: Weltweit auf dem absteigenden Ast 17. März 2023 - BEE-Analyse: AKW für Versorgungssicherheit irrelevant und für...

  4. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    In 2023, it even fell to its lowest level since 1965 and greenhouse gas emissions fell by a record ten percent. [...] Since 2000, global electricity consumption has increased by almost 90 percent. In 2000, nuclear energy still covered 17 percent of global electricity needs. In 2022 it was only a meager nine percent. The trend continues to fall. Many...

  5. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    "Intelligence (AI) supports our daily needs for efficiency, creativity and automation of repetitive tasks." The combined power consumption of Big Tech firms is predicted to exceed that of some developed countries due to the hyper-exponential growth of data centers (DCs). . "One thing is clear: data centers are here to stay, and a...

  6. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    No matter how many people take to the streets, demonstrations alone will not stop the perpetrators. February 28th Lower Saxony | Renewable | Wind turbines Lower Saxony covers electricity consumption with renewable energies Last year, Lower Saxony covered its entire electricity consumption with renewable energies for the first time. The Ministry of the Environment wants to expand...

  7. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    the energy-intensive industry. Only around 15 percent of emissions reductions are secured in the long term. 2. Renewable energies will cover over 2023 percent of electricity consumption for the first time in 50, and coal-fired power generation will fall to a historic low of 132 TWh. With an expansion of 14,4 GW, photovoltaics exceeds the previous record from 2012 by 6,2 GW. The expansion of...

  8. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    for the chance to prevent global warming from increasing to levels that are intolerable for people, nature and the environment. It is therefore encouraging that we in Germany already consume more than half of our electricity from renewable sources. The other two important consumption sectors, heat and mobility, are unfortunately lagging behind. Especially the building area with its long...

  9. Newsletter XLVI 2023 - November 12th to 18th - News+ Violence as a consequence of climate change: No cool heads

    exported. Some cross-border trade is not yet working smoothly because there are no lines. But they are gradually being expanded. In any case, on the European market with an electricity consumption of 3315 terawatt hours, the 30 terawatt hours of the last three decommissioned German nuclear power plants are hardly significant. [...] The electricity that comes from the socket comes from...

  10. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    In 2023, over 700.000 solar systems with an output of 9.200 MW have already gone into operation... * Renewables | Electricity generation | Investments Renewable energies cover more than half of electricity consumption. Wind and solar supplied five percent more electricity than in the previous year. Photovoltaic systems in particular are making an increasingly larger contribution to electricity supply. Renewable energy from wind and...

  11. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    The nuclear power plants are still being planned, new offshore wind farms will go into operation in France in 2023 after a relatively short construction period and produce electricity... * Electricity price | Green electricity | Power consumption | Electricity mix Less green electricity, but a larger share in the network. Green electricity reached new record levels in the electricity mix in the first half of the year, primarily thanks to lower electricity consumption. This is what the...

  12. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    Real estate and funds. At the federal level, Finance Minister Christian Lindner proposed this model at the beginning of 2023 under the keyword “generational capital”... * Renewables | Energy transition | Electricity consumption Renewable energies cover more than half of electricity consumption. Wind, sun, biomass: The share of renewable energies in electricity consumption is increasing. In May, photovoltaic systems have so much...

  13. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    GW to more than 440 GW (440 MW) of new renewable power plant capacity. This is a record increase in market growth of 000 percent. [...] Newly installed PV and wind power capacity has saved EU electricity consumers an estimated €33 billion over 2021-2023, according to the IEA, by displacing more expensive fossil fuel power generation. The new IEA report...

  14. Newsletter XVII 2023 - April 23rd to 29th - News+ Faulty SPD, self-deception at 1,5 degrees and war as a climate destroyer

    or transported quickly enough via the network. In 2020, around six billion kilowatt hours of green electricity were lost - and thus around one percent of total electricity consumption in Germany. Making this generated energy usable is one of the advantages of power-to-heat systems... * Nuclear phase-out | Electricity price | Import Export Electricity | Fearmongers AfD, CDU and...

  15. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    offer a solution. They say converting disused mines into giant "gravity batteries" could store up to 70 terawatts of energy. That's enough to cover the world's entire daily electricity consumption... * Fossil industry | California | Excess profits tax California punishes oil multinationals for excessive profits Governor Gavin Newsom signs bill - State...

  16. Newsletter X 2023 - March 5th to 11th - News+ Dangerous toxins: Which products contain PFAS

    In addition to nuclear power, France is focusing on the expansion of renewable energies. The German Nachtbarland wants to build 2050 offshore wind farms at sea by 50 - this could cover up to 31 percent of national electricity consumption. The first three floating facilities are now being built. On the French Mediterranean coast near Perpignan, work has begun on France's first sea...

  17. Newsletter IV 2023 - January 22nd to 28th - News+ How the FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann plays down her proximity to the armaments lobby

    show, continues to be handled only with kid gloves, there will be a huge electricity gap for many years. So it's only a matter of time before it gets as cold again as it did in 2012 and electricity consumption explodes again to over 100 gigawatts (GW) because a third of households still heat with electricity from neighbors. However, the aging nuclear reactors currently only produce just under 43 GW, which...

  18. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    on January 4, 2023. However, at 2,88 billion euros, the export surplus was two and a half times as high as in 2021 because wholesale prices rose accordingly. Electricity consumption, measured in terms of network load (net electricity), fell by 2022 percent to 4,0 terawatt hours (TWh) in 484,2. Net electricity generation, however, rose by 0,4 percent to 506,8 TWh. Of these, a net 26,28...

  19. Newsletter XLIV 2022 - November 01st to 07th - News+ Do not fear progress and technology, fear capitalism

    Flat roofs therefore meet all the requirements for photovoltaic expansion. The companies do not have to carry out detailed economic efficiency and amortization calculations: Because the electricity consumption when selling food is so high, it is now important to cover the flat roofs with modules. ** November 02nd Open letter to Minister Annalena Baerbock End uranium deals with Russia -...

  20. Newsletter XLII 2022 - October 23rd to 27th - News+ The fairy tale with primary energy consumption

    Primary energy consumption for an application is usually higher than the final energy consumption. The final energy consumption only takes into account the energy consumption of the application itself, for example the power consumption of an electrical machine. The primary energy consumption also takes into account z. B. energy losses resulting from the conversion of natural gas or coal into electricity... ** Back to:...

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