1. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    Energien erzeugt. Das ist einer KfW-Studie zufolge ein "neuer Höchstwert". Die Förderbank kritisiert aber das noch zu langsame Tempo. Nach Angaben der staatlichen Förderbank KfW macht Europa Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Dekarbonisierung im Stromsektor. Einer neuen Studie der KfW zufolge wurden 2023 rund 44 Prozent des Stroms in der Europäischen Union durch Erneuerbare erzeugt. Das sei ein "neuer...

  2. Newsletter

    Dabei werden die Windräder zur Stromerzeugung immer höher und leistungsstärker. Innerhalb der letzten 20 Jahre stieg ihre Leistung bereits von zwei Megawatt auf rund 15 Megawatt. Durch weitere Fortschritte in der Bautechnik sollen es in wenigen Jahren sogar 20 Megawatt pro Windrad sein. Derzeit stehen in den europäischen Gewässern Windturbinen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 28 Gigawatt (28.000...

  3. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    Wachstum in einer Welt mit endlichen Ressourcen ist eine Illusion, mit der viele von uns aufgewachsen sind. Die Göttin des Lichts schmückte die alten Kraftwerke. Im Namen eines aufgemöbelten Fortschritts konsumieren wir fröhlich weiter und zehren – in Reichweite von Krieg und Umweltkatastrophen – von der wohltätigen Illusion der Freiheit. Und strapazieren den Planeten wie gehabt mit an Sturheit...

  4. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    dürfte völkerrechtswidrig sein und das Vertrauen in die westlichen Währungen untergraben... * Lobbyismus | LobbyControl | Parteispende LobbyControl bescheinigt Ampelregierung deutliche Fortschritte Strengere Regeln für Beamte, eine Lobbyfußspur für Gesetze: Die Regierungsarbeit lasse sich sehen, bilanziert LobbyControl. "Eklatante Mängel" blieben bei Parteispenden. Die Organisation LobbyControl...

  5. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    BDEW zieht denn auch eine andere Energiewende-Bilanz: Die Bedingungen für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren im Strombereich hätten sich deutlich verbessert. Auch beim Stromnetz gebe es "erkennbare Fortschritte". Eine "Versorgungslücke" im Stromsystem, wie sie der Bundesrechnungshof befürchte, sehe man beim BDEW nicht... * Israel | Repression | Antisemitismus Solidarität mit welchem Israel? Israelische...

  6. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    Doch einige junge Menschen wollen das nicht mehr hinnehmen. [...] »Wir Thais lieben Plastiksachen, wir sind verrückt danach. Ich glaube, für uns ist es ein Zeichen von Zivilisation, von Fortschritt und Hygiene«, sagt Chompupischaya Saiboonyadis, die alle Sa nennen. »Plastik ist so praktisch, so billig!« Sa ist 23 Jahre alt, studiert Wirtschaft und gehört zu den Vertreterinnen einer jungen...

  7. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    Als Bürde bei der Bewerbung galt, dass Geldwäsche in Deutschland verbreiteter ist als in vielen anderen EU-Staaten. Ein internationales Expertengremium hatte Deutschland im Sommer 2022 zwar Fortschritte attestiert, sieht aber weiterhin Handlungsbedarf. Vor allem an einer effektiven Strafverfolgung mangele es demnach noch. Lindner will die unterschiedlichen Kompetenzen innerhalb der nationalen...

  8. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    to stop using fossil fuels. Nevertheless, it took 28 climate conferences before the world's governments recognized this in an official document. In purely factual terms, this is progress and “historic”. The celebrated compromise is not one between states and the different interests of their populations, but rather between short-term financial interests...

  9. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    and built 700 MWe pressurized water reactor, the second in a series of sixteen units, the first of which - Unit 3 of the Kakrapar project - was commissioned earlier this year. [...] Progress in Chutka Separately, State Minister Jitendra Singh has confirmed that the land for the two 700 MWe PHWRs to be built in Chutka has been acquired and transferred to the NPCIL...

  10. Newsletter L 2023 - December 10th to 16th - News+ The tail wags the dog and those on the right lead us by the nose ring “Back to the Future”

    destroy structures. Political opponents are labeled as animals and thus verbally dehumanized. In the hate speech of the agitators, dissidents mutate into pigs, spiders and ticks. Progressive democratic forces are first defamed as enemies of the people and then persecuted, imprisoned or murdered at will by the military and other violent thugs. These are financially good...

  11. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    annual balance of carbon dioxide emissions and atmospheric CO2 levels – including now. While climate protection, compensation payments and a lack of progress are being discussed at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, global measurement data and models are providing facts. Already in the run-up to the conference, new records were set for atmospheric greenhouse gas levels, while...

  12. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    to debate climate protection measures - or "the fate of humanity", to put it in the pathetic words of UN Secretary General António Guterres. It's about the progress made so far, the energy transition that needs to be managed and the question of what fair climate protection, and even fair coexistence in the world, actually looks like. At the same time, negotiations have been going on for months...

  13. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    According to associations, they made little progress. According to participants, the third round of negotiations for a globally binding agreement to curb plastic waste ended without any significant progress. The representatives of the around 170 UN member states had “stood still” in the seven-day talks, said WWF Germany. An official announcement from...

  14. Newsletter XLVI 2023 - November 12th to 18th - News+ Violence as a consequence of climate change: No cool heads

    does not flourish when the world lives in peace and nations work together in harmony. We trade real revolution for the feeling of being revolutionary If advanced AI were programmed to direct human behavior solely to make the most profit from existing technologies, this world would...

  15. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    The world is “underfinanced and unprepared,” UNEP director Inger Andersen warned on Thursday when presenting the report at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi. According to the report, progress on climate adaptation is slowing across the board, even though it should be accelerating to keep up with the increasingly dire consequences of climate change. The actual...

  16. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    big to fail). This huge pink elephant is always there, eating, grinning and being ignored. The third part is mainly about the hope that everything will be okay. Climate, medicine, progress. A hefty dose of pro-nuclear propaganda that rehashes all the sweet lies of the nuclear industry that MiK has been feeding us for two generations. No heat producing power plant can...

  17. Newsletter XL 2023 - October 1st to 7th - Current news + FDP proposal for industrial electricity price relief is spot on

    stands next to a coke factory; hydrogen and carbon dioxide are extracted from the exhaust gases from coke production. Ómar Sigurbjörnsson from Carbon Recycling International still speaks of progress. Methanol in China is usually obtained from coal gasification, which is associated with significantly higher emissions. The facility in China has allowed Carbon Recycling International to...

  18. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    Water - enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools - is stored in more than 1.000 steel tanks on the site, but Tepco has warned that storage space is running out. Tepco's advanced liquid treatment system removes most radioactive elements except tritium, an isotope of hydrogen that is difficult to separate from water... *...

  19. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    The situation couldn't be simpler: we must abolish nuclear weapons before they abolish us. Hopefully Oppenheimer will help prepare the ground for progress in this all-important endeavor, starting with an open discussion about what is now at stake. * Climate protection | Energy transition | CO2 | Emissions trading...

  20. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    To prevent history and to eliminate niches of a more than just formal and limited democracy. In the most powerful state in human history, with a long, mixed, sometimes progressive democratic tradition, these are no trivialities... continue reading *** Top of page Current information + background knowledge *** Background knowledge ** The map of the nuclear world The...

Results 1 - 20 from 87