1. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    Die Bankenmetropole Frankfurt am Main wird Sitz der neuen EU-Anti-Geldwäschebehörde Amla. Finanzminister Lindner hatte für den Standort geworben - nicht zuletzt, weil dort auch die EZB ihren Sitz hat. Die neue Anti-Geldwäschebehörde der Europäischen Union soll in Frankfurt am Main angesiedelt werden. Vertreter der EU-Staaten und des Europaparlaments stimmten am Abend mehrheitlich für den Sitz...

  2. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    The newly built power-to-heat system, which works like an oversized immersion heater, is expected to achieve an electrical output of around 20 megawatts... * Transformation | Climate active | ECB The financial world and the climate crisis: ECB is for more climate activism The central bank warns: Delays in the transformation lead to higher risks for the financial industry. BERLIN taz | One...

  3. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    KAZ August 30, 2003, submarine K-159, RUS * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: kernare-welt@reaktorpleite.de ** August 13th MidCat | Algeria Gas | ECB | Merit Order European energy policy: Staggering from one problem to the next Sanctions were intended to weaken Russia, which is now receiving more money for significantly lower deliveries. Quickly...

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