1. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    es ist passiert.“... * Iran | Israel Krieg im Nahen Osten Beispielloser Großangriff des Iran auf Israel Trotz internationaler Warnungen hat der Iran seinen Erzfeind Israel mit mehr als 200 Kampfdrohnen und Raketen angegriffen. Die meisten konnten abgefangen werden. Bislang ist unklar, wie Israel reagieren wird. Der Iran hat seine Drohung wahr gemacht und Israel in der Nacht mit Drohnen und...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    auf der Suche nach aktuellen Informationen. Wer helfen kann, sende bitte eine Nachricht an: nukleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de 13. April Iran startet Luftangriff auf Israel Israel fängt Raketen und Drohnen aus Iran ab – Heimatschutzministerium gibt Entwarnung Laut israelischer Armee hat Iran bei seinem Angriff mehr als 200 Drohnen und Raketen eingesetzt. Nur wenige sind in Israel eingeschlagen. Die...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    7. Oktobers als legitimen Widerstandsakt oder die Hamas als Guerillagruppe und Freiheitskämpfer bezeichnen und sich gegen eine friedliche Koexistenz aussprechen“... * Gaza | Hilfsorganisation | Drohnenangriff Attacke auf World Central Kitchen Israel entlässt zwei Offiziere nach Tötung internationaler Helfer Ein Team der World Central Kitchen wurde im Gazastreifen bei israelischem Beschuss...

  4. Newsletter

    F-35 the current state of the military-industrial complex in the USA, which he personally would prefer to call the “Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex”. Although the threat posed by drones, cyber warfare and military robots to national security is significantly higher, more money flowed and flows into the most expensive arms project of all time than into these 3 areas combined... *...

  5. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    - Attention, now there is also gender - scientists are jointly warning about the dramatic consequences of the climate crisis... * Israel's war against Gaza Israel kills civilians with drone Gaza: rockets on unarmed people. US draft rejected in Security Council The news about Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip continues. On Friday, Al-Jazeera released a video of...

  6. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    For months now, Turkey has been bombing hospitals, power plants and water pipes in the predominantly Kurdish areas of northern Syria with planes and drones. According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), Turkish warplanes and drones carried out 23 attacks on the critical infrastructure of northern and eastern Syria between December 26rd and 74th. 2023...

  7. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    F-35 the current state of the military-industrial complex in the USA, which he personally would prefer to call the “Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex”. Although the threat posed by drones, cyber warfare and military robots to national security is significantly greater, more money has flowed and continues to flow into the most expensive arms project of all time than into these 3 areas combined. Despite...

  8. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    brought... January 16 Weapons technology | Dual use | Export control Western technology in weapons Russian cruise missiles with TÜV seal Russia attacks Ukraine with missiles and drones almost every day. It also contains electronics from the West. How can this be - despite the sanctions in force? These are explosive finds that Andrii Rudyk brought with him from the Ukrainian General Staff...

  9. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    A new study by Greenpeace, which was exclusively available in advance on Friday, calculated the costs for the “Future Combat Air System” armament project over the life cycle of the aircraft, drones and cloud systems it contains, including maintenance costs. It comes to an amount that is not only ten times higher than previous estimates, but is so large that it is difficult...

  10. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    F-35 the current state of the military-industrial complex in the USA, which he personally would prefer to call the “Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex”. Although the threat posed by drones, cyber warfare and military robots to national security is significantly greater, more money has flowed and continues to flow into the most expensive arms project of all time than into these 3 areas combined. Despite...

  11. Newsletter XLI 2023 - October 8th to 14th - News+ India - Flood and destruction - the last generation is right

    Safety and environmental protection and setting a benchmark for the development of industry in Mongolia, the French company added... October 12 Israel | secret service | Drones | Palestine Hamas was able to exploit excessive trust in high-tech for the attack. In addition to political failure, Hamas was able to use cheap drones to...

  12. Newsletter XVII 2023 - April 23rd to 29th - News+ Faulty SPD, self-deception at 1,5 degrees and war as a climate destroyer

    are promoted, we also still need an anti-nuclear movement. With digitalization, new nuclear military concepts in small formats are becoming possible, in which drones, for example, can also control mini-nukes towards targets. This is less about civil use, which is what Terrapower is working on, for example. A perverse development. And what was your surprise of the week?...

  13. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    he explained. Energy infrastructure is under constant fire from Russian missiles and drones from the capital Kiev in the north to Dnipro in central Ukraine and Odessa in the south, the military said in a statement. Meanwhile, the first snow fell in Kiev. The local governor warned that the situation could include temperatures as low as minus ten degrees and power outages...

  14. Newsletter XLIII 2022 - October 28th to 31st - News+ Climate protection: It's not enough

    Newsletter XLIII 2022 October 28th to 31st *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Current + background knowledge *** Nuclear Power Accidents This PDF file contains a list of known incidents from the various areas of civil and military nuclear industry. Some of this information only reached the public in a roundabout way...

  15. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    for the 77th time. Since then, rarely if ever has the world been as close to a nuclear inferno as it is today. Preventing it remains the most important political task of our time... * Zaporizhia | Drone | IAEA kamikaze at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant The Vienna Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) has been alarmed for days about reports of the recent fighting over the Ukrainian nuclear power plant....

  16. Newsletter XXIII May 18th to 26.05.2021th, 18 - Current News+ May 2th - Prohibit COXNUMX emissions by law

    with solar help * May 19, 2021 - Russia investigates radioactive radiation in decades-old submarine wreck * Dual use? Multi use for the Interior Ministry... May 19, 2021 - Belgium develops drones for radiation monitoring Translate with https://www.deepL.com/translator (Free version) * May 19, 2021 - 2.800 tons of Swedish nuclear waste dumped in the Baltic Sea * May 19, 2021 -...

  17. Newsletter XII - March 17th to 24.03.2021th, 17 - News+ March XNUMXth - Urenco: Phasing out uranium enrichment in NRW would be 'political issue of the first order'

    Flamanville March 23, 2021 - Construction anomaly found in the nozzles of the Flamanville EPR Translate with https://www.deepL.com/translator (free version) * March 22, 2021 - No armed drones for the Bundeswehr * Confident on the slime trail - But Be careful, nobody except the nuclear lobby likes slimers. March 22, 2021 - New nuclear power plant Hardly any criticism of the "Chinese Dragon" * 21....

  18. THTR Newsletter No. 148 Summer 2017

    The reactor failure - THTR 300 The THTR newsletters Studies on the THTR and much more. The THTR breakdown list The HTR research The THTR accident in the 'Spiegel' THTR circular No. 148, summer 2017 *** 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 XNUMX Contents: Where to put the radiant waste from the THTR Hamm and Jülich as well as the burn-up measurement reactor (AMR) Hamm?...

  19. Important newspaper articles about Atom ... * etc. from the year 2014

    Is it time to expropriate the coal and nuclear companies? * November 12, 2014 - The Jülich billion-dollar problem *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** October 30, 2014 - France: Unknown drones fly over seven nuclear power plants * October 24, 2014 - Not ready for the catastrophe * October 01, 2014 - E.on sues for damages due to forced shutdown *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ***...

Results 1 - 19 from 19